GTS meeting 5 02 17

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Revision as of 07:35, 2 May 2017 by Chgarcia (talk | contribs)
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  • Attempts to run at 1 mA:
  1. Ran for few seconds before a HV arc. QE dropped by a factor of 2.
  2. Ran again for 1.5 hours (with ion-precipitators on) before a HV arc. QE dropped by another factor of 2.
  3. ion collectors and anode current
  4. The downstream ion collector was wired incorrectly
  5. Grames paper on anode bias: Media:Grames_PST07_final.pdf
  6. Pozdeyev PAC 2007 ion trapping: Media:Pozdeyev.PDF
  7. Cornell PRAB paper on ion clearing electrodes: Media:Cornell ion colelctors PhysRevAccelBeams.19.034201.pdf
  8. Gabriel's calculation (POISSON model) of the voltage needed in upstream ion collector (VICGT04, wire sticking out of the spool piece): Media:Ion collector VICGT04 wire stikcing out of spool piece.pdf
  9. CEBAF vacuum during 1 mA run
  10. CEBAFvacuum1mA.png
  11. GTS vacuum during 1 mA run April 28 2017
  12. File:GTSvacuum1mA

  • Down Monday - Wednesday to:
  1. Degas dump with NEGS at 25% on for ion pumps to take vacuum load
  2. Replace ND filter from ND1 to ND3
  3. Re-activate photocathode with 3 mm active area
  4. Instrument wire scanner
  5. Install WiFi access station and enable JMenu on PC in GTS cave
  6. Why is Dump/FC reading -20 nA?
  7. Hi-pot VIPGT06
  8. SCAM VL LINE SYNC frequency is not 60 Hz?
  9. Put ND filter in front of ITVGT06 and mount camera on the floor.