Planned Collaboration meetings 2015
June 17-20, 2015
Older Agendas, Talks and Notes
New PAC Proposals
PAC43 Call
Key dates
Letters of Intent
Reminder to be sent
April 3
April 3
Abstracts to Chair (organise committee)
April 13
Proposals for Collaboration review
April 27
May 4
Collaboration Recommendation
May 11
Deadline for submission of proposals
May 18
May 18
PAC 42
July 6
July 6
Issues for Discussion
Changes to CLAS Charter
A vote for approval of the new charter and bylaws to be held at the June 2015 collaboration meeting
Proposals for Analysis Reviews
Deadline for comments: 5 December 2014
Collaboration Governance
Physics Working Groups
Past CLAS Chairs
Collaborating Institutes
Static world and US maps with list of institutions
Links to older documents
Old CLAS chair page