EEEMCAL Physics Meeting Summary (8/30/22)
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Talking points:
- EM calorimeters (electron endcap and barrel) are absolutely essential from day one. They are not add-on
- Approach: develop strategy and science first, then reach out to EIC PM and/or funding agencies again for feedback
- Physics topics to put forward for EEEMCAL MSRI pre-proposal - main feature: detection and identification of the scattered electron
- Inclusive polarized: Gluon spin structure - gluon saturation (go from p to A)
- Inclusive: F_L --> unpolarized, Rosenbluth function of angle - inclusive SF detection, doesn't need polarized beam and gets into gluon structure)
- Inclusive on nuclei --> nuclear PDFs (F2) - on the way to gluon saturation
- Exclusive: DVCS + eA
- Action Items:
- Look for plots towards the pre-proposal
- Gluon saturation (Renee)
- F_L (Richard)
- F2 (Renee)
- DVCS angular distribution of photon from DVCS (Richard)
- Develop a way to demonstrate that the EMCals are essential for the physics (cannot be done without these detectors)
- Comparison of simulation projections with and "without" EMCals in backward and barrel - "without" could be with a very poor calorimeter, e.g., ultra-thin (1mm thick?) etc.
- Create a space in the EEEMCAL Wiki to collect information for the pre-proposal (Tanja)
- Circulate solicitation of the NSF MSRI (Tanja)
- Circulate example pre-proposals (Tanja)