General EEEMCal Meeting Summary 9/20/24

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PARTICIPANTS: Carlos, Richard, Philip, Rosi, Douglas, Irina, Hamlet, Tanja, Patrick Moran, Ioana, Vardan, Ethan Cline, Renee, Sasha, Gerard, Holly, Josh, Julie, Julien Bettane, Justin,


  • IJCLab-Orsay prototype
  • received first board from vendor (SiPMs positioning in array look good) and testing - will send out order for all 25 board soon
  • working on procedure for reading out the ASIC boards
  • have capability for the daughter boards for the fADC discrete readout
  • overall on track for the beam test
  • Work at OU towards fADC discrete readout with IJCLab-Orsay prototype
  • Larry is working on the preamp/daughter boards
  • Borrowed CAEN V1725 and CAEN VME interface/controller for development to explore the "discrete" readout locally at OU. Note: for the DESY beam test will use the MIT CAEN V1725 modules
  • timeline right but expect to be ready
  • Work at ACU/CUA/JLab towards the SiPM module assembly for the 2-channel MIT prototype direct PMT/SiPM comparison
  • Larry completed and sent the SiPM assemblies to JLab
  • Josh has been working on assembling them with crystals and plans to test the full module in the dark box soon
  • Detailed run plan draft is being prepared
  • currently Carlos is editing
  • expect to circulate the next version sometime next week
  • Meeting on online data analysis on Friday (9/20)
  • Ethan shared GitHub repo for v1725 digitizer readout and analysis code with some of us. More contributors welcome!
  • MIT shipment is being packed up and Carnet has been completed for one year - components will stay at DESY for one year
  • will also include QCD
  • will also include 100ft cables that could be used for, e.g., attenuation tests
  • Personnel logistics - there are a few people that need to complete the registration
  • two from Orsay
  • two from OU
  • one from AANL


  • Due date to CUA SPO: 4 November 2024
  • Pre-proposal has been created in
  • many people have been added, but need to add a few more
  • Documentation needed:
  • Narrative
  • Project
  • Budget
  • Supplementary
  • Narrative does not need a complete re-write, but requires alignment with any changes in the 2024 solicitation and may also benefit from some wording optimizations
  • Action: need to check alignment of Broader Impacts section with the 2024 soliciation
  • Examples of wording optimizations:
  • timeline of the consortium that underlines a well organized group, active group, and ready to start the construction
  • additional clarifications of signal/DAQ, e.g., where scope of EEEMCAL project ends
  • Budget is a key piece of the submission - needs checking over by all subsystems for accuracy
  • Action: all subsystems need to check and update the numbers as needed following the procedure below
  • Procedure for updating the budget
  • budget subsystem coordinator collects the information and modifies the spreadsheet
  • budget subsystem coordinator sends the modified spreadsheet to Ioana and Tanja
  • Budget and subsystem coordinators
  • Radiator: Ioana
  • Photosensor: Justin
  • Mechanical: Richard/Jim
  • Signal/DAQ: Holly
  • Software/Simulations: Cristiano
  • Project (PEP): Julie
  • While quotes are not allowed in the preproposal submission, it is a good idea to check on the large ticket items


  • The contacts for MPS/PHY are: Camillo Mariani and Slava Lukin. If there are any specific logistics questions of the competition we should contact them and copy Allena/Vicki