General Meeting Summary 5/9/24

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PARTICIPANTS: Paulo, Tanja, Hamlet, Hao, Mark, Steven L., Vardan, Wassim, Hall C Conf (Charles, Julie, Josh, Jerry), Alexandre, Bogdan, Arindam Sen, Carlos, Mark Mathison, Rolf, Aaron Brown, Casey,


  • Plan is to do all work during five day weeks
  • Cable baskets/bins (plastic bin tote style)
  • big located on floor
  • small can be craned up and some can be staged on SHMS roof
  • Preliminary list of hardware items has been developed
  • McMaster order has been submitted
  • Action item: make a list of shifts for deinstallation
  • contacts for the shifts
  • Alexandre is working on it
  • Action item: EPAS documentation
  • two sets of documentation
  • scissor lift - if tech there to drive it then no extra training for users needed
  • all participants should have ladder training
  • Alexandre is working on submitting it
  • Action item: EPAS admin locks
  • Alexandre will put in EPAS
  • Action item: follow up with Radcon on chillers for draining/removing (Josh, Jerry)
  • location for storage must be identified depending on the radiation levels
  • Action item: evaluate if any cosmics or any other checks could be done during the time when beam is off but hall is not yet accessible
  • Tent storage place - do we have one
  • Yes, Fabric storage 64
  • Currently there are items in it, but plan is to remove these at beginning of SAD
  • Period checks of presence of all components will be conducted with Detector Support Group
  • Mark is organizing
  • Action item: identify person that will do this and contact info
  • Discussion of survey - there is a disagreement between the two surveys taken
  • Survey on 4/2 shows the survey
  • Action item: add angle between green (angle of SHMS on floor) and blue (detector ideal) - i.e., the angle where the NPS is parked
  • Action item: summarize surveys from April 2024 and prior, and in particular
  • Action item: check with Sanghwa if she needs anything else for Open House Hall C
  • Action item: photo with NPS
  • maybe on 20/21 May - try to determine dates in May/June when many people are available
  • Spare parts and tooling
  • spare tools might go into the NPS cleanroom
  • NPS electronics - two small boxes (spare fADC etc.)
  • Action item: spare distribution box (Julie checking with Carlos)
  • HV power supplies, crates, CPU - will be spares and can be used in other locations; modules will be useful for other experiments but adapters have to be bought


  • Hall Management - when to run it again
  • Lessons learned from running - revisions to hardware
  • curing
  • New physics with NPS
  • Analysis plan - how to plan it
  • may include some analysis status talks