Summary EEEMCAL Design/Engineering 6/2/2023

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PARTICIPANTS: Josh, Richard, Tanja, Carlos, Jim, Julien


  • General overview of the workshop: main theme was the installation of the detectors
  • how detectors are currently installed and how the EIC detector may be installed
  • specific detector discussions (tracker, RICH, DIRC frame, imaging barrel ECAL)
  • discussions of all subsystems and installation
  • DIRC FRAME INTERFACE with EEEMCAL: Avishay Mizra currently working on new/updated design
  • EEEMCAL weight given is ~3 tons + safety factor of about factor of two
  • attachment points for EEEMCAL will be defined by the updated DIRC frame
  • the rails are a new feature on the DIRC frame - this because the pfRICH has to be sliding in with rails in front of and before the EEEMCAL is installed; there cannot be any protrusions into the DIRC frame - cannot use periferal mountings --> limits hardware that can be used for EEEMCAL
  • assumed to be done with Thomson rails at 12, 6, 4, and 8 o'clock positions
  • with four rails overconstrained; holding tolerances for linear rails is basically impossible --> with what precision should the detector have to be aligned (do we need to align or just need to know where it is when it is in place)
  • pre-estimate load/stress deformation of the DIRC frame
  • structure is assumed to be stainless, welding - magnetic -- alternative: use bolting
  • Important for moving forward with the EEEMCAL design (Julien) ==> need to know design of DIRC and clearance between DIRC and EEEMCAL
  • BEAMLINE will be in place
  • is there a need to split open the EEEMCAL - clam-shell design?
  • from physics point of view would likely lose some acceptance so not desirable - and in principle have enough longitudinal space in the assembly hall
  • usually beamline not supported inside the detector
  • beampipe bakeout, alignment
  • cooling requirements: what is needed, size of cooling feeds
  • how much cooling is needed? - currently tests are being performed at IJCLab-Orsay
  • main idea is to have insulation and active cooling
  • four lines: two internal, two external, but it may be necessary to have cooling on each board (additional manifolds)
  • cooling: primary water feed, if need cooler then need to add another mechanism like a chiller
  • mechanically possible to place cooling in the plates - at the moment the design does not include that
  • diameter of cooling feeds: numbers from spreadsheet are still the estimate
  • expect results on cooling at the end of the year
  • Dry nitrogen available from backend at EEEMCAL
  • Action item: Josh send zoom link to Jim and Julien for Monday meetings
  • Mechanism for interaction with BNL engineers for EEEMCAL: Josh/Jim/Julien