General Information
- Logbook
- Slack
- NPS on CUE system
- Brad's Hall A/C computing tricks and tips
- /work/hallc/nps for development code, etc (NB not backed up)
- /volatile/hallc/nps for large data file (write to tape if anything you want to keep: /mss/hallc/c-nps/analysis)
- /mss/hallc/c-nps/raw is where raw data will go.
- hcana and replay set up instructions (for pionLT run)
Zoom link
- DAQ and firmware
- Slow controls
- Software
- Other business
Software task list (draft)
- Near-term priorities (for summer tests)
- hcana FADC mode 10 code (Mark, David) -- DONE
- hcana NPS class, replay script and database file (Steve Wood, Carlos Yero, David) -- DONE
- online display and cosmic calibration scripts (Julie, Pramita, Alexandre, Zheng) -- DONE
- Medium-term (summer - fall)
- code to handle VTP data in hcana (David)
- data unblocking (David, Brad, Bryan)
- geant4 simulation (Marie, Deb)
- online interface with ET system (Paul)
- Longer term
- offline reconstruction and clustering (Steve Wood, Carlos Yero, Julie and others)
- offline calibration scripts (??)
DAQ update (from Brad)
Software update (from David)
- Working decode software (hcana and replay dir) for EEL108 data is now available:
- Based on the hcana classes and replay files developed by Steve Wood and Carlos Yero. Still some issues to be tidied up, but it already decodes the vme2 data that was taken by Bryan and writes the 26-sample waveforem to a root tree. Need to install on cdaql3.
- Example event display available in replay repo above (also here [1]).
Next meeting
Thursday 13th October at 8.30am EST