- DAQ and firmware
- Slow controls
- Decoding software (FADC mode10, VTP data, unblocking)
- Online software (raw displays, gui, interface with ET system)
- Offline reconstruction (clustering algorithm, multi-threading)
- Other business
Software task list (draft)
- Near-term priorities (for summer tests)
- * hcana FADC mode 10 code (Mark, David) -- DONE
- * hcana replay script and database file (David)
- * online display and cosmic calibration scripts (Julie, Pramita, Alexandre, Zheng)
- * code to handle VTP data in hcana (David)
- Longer term
- * offline calibration scripts (??)
- * online interface with ET system (David, ??)
- * data unblocking in hcana (David, ??)
- * offline reconstruction and clustering (Steve, Carlos Y)
- * multi-threading in hcana (David, ??)
- * geant4 simulation -- what exists already, could use g4sbs framework (David, ??)
- * anything else?