EEEMCal Documents

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EEEMCAL Space/Assembly

  • Preliminary discussions (July 2024) Link
  • Pictures from the NPS assembly Link

EEEMCal Preliminary Design

  • Mechanical design update (July 2023)
  • check STP file "EMCAL design v3"

EEEMCal SiPM Readout

  • Non-linearity studies of SiPM matrix in 2023 at JLab
  • Studies of SiPM based readout electronics for homogeneous calorimeter
  • Studies of SiPM characteristics on testbench at IJCLab-Orsay in 2023
  • Tests of 4x4 SiPM matrix configurations in 2023 at JLab

Expression of Interest

EEEMCal Research Outline

EEEMCal EIC Detector R&D

  • eRD1 Generic Detector R&D (2014-2021)

EEEMCal Calibration Methods and Monitoring Systems

NSF Proposal 2023

  • MSRI solicitation Link

Supplemental technical information