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Latest revision as of 13:29, 3 June 2024

The current weekly meeting time is every other Monday at 10:00 US/Eastern

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Meeting ID: 160 198 7443
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  1. Previous Meeting
  2. Announcements:
  3. CLAS12 packet capture: May 16
  4. R&D Projects
    • BDX Experiment
    • Configuration
      • JCedit
      • rtdp YAML
  5. Data Capture and Processing
    • Aggregation/Streaming
      • GlueX
      • CLAS12
      • ePIC
  6. Milestone Progress: (Github Project)
    • FY24Q2
    • M05: Create stream splitter program for EVIO or HIPO data formatted files
    • M06: Create stream splitter program for simulated data in PODIO for ePIC
    • M07: Create VTP emulator using files produced by stream splitter
    • M08: Create controller program to synchronize multiple VTP emulators
    • FY24Q3
    • M09: Determine appropriate schema for all aspects of monitoring system
    • M10: Establish databases for monitoring system using existing JLab servers.
    • M11: Integrate Hydra as monitoring component.
  7. AOT


Attendees: David L., Ayan R., Vardan G., Fabio R., Jeng T., Fabio R., Cissie M.

  • Successful CLAS12 data capture exercise May 16, 2024
    • ~3TB of data captured at 7 different beam currents
    • Some potential issues seen with rates
  • BDX
    • Fabio showed some comparisons running simple ML models on CPU vs. FPGA and when using python vs. C
    • FPGA ~2.8x faster when using Python
    • CPU ~8.33x faster when using C
    • Alveo U270 uses vitasAI interface which limits custom code on FPGA
    • Some question on new CONDA licensing restrictions at JLab
      • David will forward Fabio an e-mail with details on how to use only open source version
  • Configuration
    • Some progress on new JCEdit
    • DPOL (Data Pipeline Ontology Language) includes some improvements on COOL making it more suitable for SRO
  • Ayan started looking at running on Fabric (incomplete notes)
  • JIRIAF - integrating prometheus into kubernetes (incomplete notes)

Action Items

  1. Forward e-mail on CONDA open source alternative to Fabio an e-mail (David)
  2. Investigate the CLAS12 captured data (Ayan, David)