EPSCI SRO Meeting Aug. 19 2024

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Revision as of 17:42, 19 August 2024 by Gurjyan (talk | contribs) (→‎Agenda:)
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Connection Info:

Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 284 014 929 953 Passcode: hBrrMRYou (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):

Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 284 014 929 953
Passcode: hBrrMRYou


  • Announcements
  • Preparing for SC24 demo
    • Remote data stream processing campaign.
      • Issues with the returned stream reassembly
    • Running CLAS12 CED on a reassembled return stream.
    • Screan live recording of the campaign.
    • Dynamic state representation of data stream pipeline components, including data links.
      • Real-time (not recorded) demo at SC24 using the ERSAP DPUX as demo-UI.
  • Streaming CODA
    • Routing control events to all registered endpoints.
  • RTDP report
    • Upcoming year milestones for the project.
  • E2SAR project
    • Segmentation (LB push), reassembly (ET push), reassembly (DAOS push), reassembly (ERSAP push).
  • EJFAT project
    • The control plane fails to resolve the MAC address for registered compute nodes using their private IPs.
  • AOT

Useful References
