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### Rucio
### Rucio
#### In the process of installing Rucio client  
#### In the process of installing Rucio client  
### BNL (NSLS-II) Data access Package: Tiled
#### Issues with pip install

Latest revision as of 18:40, 2 March 2023

Connection Info:

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Meeting ID: 160 851 8798
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Meeting ID: 160 851 8798
Passcode: 205601


  1. Previous Meeting
  2. Announcements
    1. Hiring status
  4. JIRIAF VM (jiriaf.jlab.org)
    1. Installations
      1. Web server and JIRiAF web from-end development
        1. User authorization and authentication
        2. Forms for user workflow description
      2. MariaDB
        1. schema: table names, fields, data types, and the relationships between them.
          1. JCS's resource pool table and JFE's tasks queue table
      3. Chris's data lake.
        1. Possible disk persistency.
      4. Redis as a streaming data lake.
      5. CVMFS
        1. Repository names to be mounted on the universal namespace: /cvmfs
          1. config-osg.opensciencegrid.org (other repos require this to be mounted first)
          2. singularity.opensciencegrid.org
          3. sft.cern.ch
      6. Rucio
        1. In the process of installing Rucio client
      7. BNL (NSLS-II) Data access Package: Tiled
        1. Issues with pip install
  5. AOT

Useful References
