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Line 91: Line 91:
           <li>Thomas can get correlation with pitch/yaw
           <li>Thomas: can we get correlation with pitch and yaw together
               <li>C angle?</li>
               <li>C angle?</li>

Latest revision as of 16:44, 26 August 2024

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AIOP - Polarized Photon Source


  1. Previous Meeting
  2. Announcements
    • Quarterly sent to DOE
  3. Project Progress
  4. PIER Activities
    • Middle School Data Science Hackathon Workshop
    • HUGS mini-Workshop - COMPLETED!
  5. AOT


  • Attendees: Thomas, David, Torri, Armen, Patrick, Jiawei, Naomi, Cristiano
  • Progress
    • Jiawei
    • Armen
      • We have a non-differentiable situation due to complex if/then
      • Actor needs to have a Siamese part or something to mimic the conditional
      • Is this environment suitable?
        • Livingston equation sufficient?
      • Patrick: We aren’t using roll yet. Using roll will give the orientation…may eliminate conditionals. Needs more thought and a talk with Hovannes
      • David worries including roll may lead to effective discontinuities
        • Maybe we can engineer something smoother
      • Naomi: We know what the button does…
        • Maybe we teach it to push the button
      • Thomas: Train to classify the button press or not press
      • Armen…descretize the control space; more classically RL
      • Armen: Can we descretize the environment currently
      • Discussion of potential issues with taking the other track
  • Coming to a consensus to take a step back
    • We are going to abstract the buttons out. Train it to be the shift taker first
