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# Announcements
# Announcements
# Streaming CODA
# Introduction
## CODA PAAG and SAAG components
# User Request
## JCEdit-5.0: CODA COOL streaming front-end
# User workflow/application migration
###  New CODA types: PAAG and SAAG
# Data provisioning
## AFECS updates to support new CODA types
## CODA connection mechanism to a data-processing pipeline
### Remote ET FIFO
## CODA EPICS interface
### ActiveMQ
# Prototype GEM detector readout
## instructions at [https://wiki.jlab.org/epsciwiki/index.php/SAMPA_SRO SAMPA-SRO]
## DSPDecoder engine (on hold)
## Formatting output data in EVIO-6 (in progress)
## ML-based anomaly detection: Adaptive sliding window (ADWIN) algorithm-based actor development (completed, testing)
## Cluster finding in a stream of data
## New GEM detector installation
## Integration with the streaming CODA data acquisition system.
## Port CLAS12 CLARA services into ERSAP (completed)
## EJFAT reassemble - ERSAP BE interface (completed)
## Successfully run CLAS12 reconstruction application on ejfat-1, streaming data from ejfat-5 through LB on ejfat-1
## Corrupted reassembled events
## Introducing data lake as a stream-source actor (testing)
## PID loop in the BE receiver actor (completed)
# TriDAS
# ERSAP planning
## Development efforts
### Monitoring
#### Support for InfluxDB (done)
#### Support for Prometheus (active)
##### Prometheus ERSAP Exporter (active)
### Tiered data storage
#### Redis as a source actor (on hold)
#### Data-lake as a source actor 
##### Developed EjfatReaderEngine that includes a large ring buffer. (Testing)
##### Develop EjfatReaderEngine that talks to ET (designing)
### Data stream transport
#### Implementing Kafka as internal transport (research)
#### Support for P2P (client-server) communication (on hold)
### Transient data format
#### Use EVIO-6 as default
#### Evaluate Apache Arrow as a transient data format (active)
#### EvioArrow, ArrowEvio convertor engines (designing)
### Application graphical designer (research)
#### Extend COOL to describe data-stream processing pipelines
##### Considering using Spring Boot for web interface and object persistency (research) 
#### Engine provisioning and deployment improvements (on hold)
### CLI improvements
### New language bindings (on hold)
### General-purpose data-stream processing engines (on hold)
### Benchmarking and testing (active)
## Commissioning and field studies
### EIC prototype detector components data stream readout and processing
#### Upcoming beam tests at the JLAB
==== Useful References ====
==== Useful References ====
* [[SRO Meetings]]
* [[JIRIAF Meetings]]
* [https://clasweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Streaming_Read-out_Wiki_page CLAS12 SRO page]
* [https://teams.microsoft.com/_#/FileBrowserTabApp/JIRIAF?threadId=19:9a90d2e6643f40af9491c50faf8143d2@thread.skype&ctx=channel JIRIAF Channel]
* [https://jeffersonlab.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/SciComp/EQxPpI6h8VRFtlSKLHeLWusBYCOQUySVpEBKCIlR09u5wA?email=davidl%40jlab.org&e=NCC22f ERSAP Document]
* [https://jeffersonlab.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/SciComp/Shared%20Documents/EPSCI/SRO/Streaming/Development/WMS.docx?d=w286e2f0b5d174426a0ddd06a0766e57d&csf=1&e=8wGGZR Vardan's WMS draft]
* [https://jeffersonlab.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/SciComp/Shared%20Documents/EPSCI/SRO/Streaming/20191217%20Streaming%20Paper/20200302%20JLab%20Streaming%20Readout.pdf?csf=1&e=kDX7yr Graham's Paper describing SRO]
* [[Media:20200609_data_format.pdf |Dave Abbott's slides on data format]]
=== Minutes: ===
=== Minutes: ===

Revision as of 19:27, 11 January 2023

Connection Info:

You can connect using https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1601588698 (Meeting ID: 160 158 8698). (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):


  1. Announcements
  1. Introduction
  2. User Request
  3. User workflow/application migration
  4. Data provisioning
  5. AOT

Useful References
