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Before proceeding with building halld_sim, ensure you have already built JANA2 and halld_recon following the instructions provided in Building JANA2 on ifarm9 and Building & Using halld_recon with JANA2 on ifarm9, respectively.

Steps to Build halld_sim with JANA2

1. Create and Navigate to halld_sim Directory

mkdir halld_sim
cd halld_sim

2. Clone the halld_sim Repository

Clone the halld_sim code in rasool_jana2 branch of JeffersonLab/halld_sim:

git clone --branch rasool_jana2 https://github.com/JeffersonLab/halld_sim.git .

3. Edit halld_sim_prereqs_version.xml

After cloning, locate and edit `halld_sim_prereqs_version.xml` to update the path in home attribute of the `jana` and `halld_recon` packages to the paths of their respective repositories you built on ifarm9. Example:

<package name="halld_recon" home="/w/epsci-sciwork18/rasool/halld_recon_jana2_latest"/>
<package name="jana" version="2.1.2" home="/w/epsci-sciwork18/rasool/gluex_jana2_2023/JANA2"/>

4. Build and Install halld_sim

In your terminal, execute the following commands:

source /group/halld/Software/build_scripts/gluex_env_boot_jlab.csh
gxenv halld_sim_prereqs_version.xml
cd src

Normal Build and Install:

nice scons install -j32

Debugging Build and Install:

nice scons install -j32 DEBUG=1 OPTIMIZATION=0 SHOWBUILD=1

5. Verify the Installation

Once halld_sim is built and installed, navigate to Linux_Alma9-x86_64-gcc11.4.1/setenv.csh (build_directory/setenv.csh). Copy its absolute path and source it to set up the environment. Example:

source /w/epsci-sciwork18/rasool/halld_recon/Linux_Alma9-x86_64-gcc11.4.1/setenv.csh

After setting up the environment, run the following command to confirm that halld_sim is correctly built and installed:


If halld_sim is installed correctly, the command will provide following output, confirming its installation:

No config file specified

For any issues or further assistance with building, installing or using halld_sim with JANA2 on ifarm9, contact Raiqa Rasool (rasool@jlab.org).