GlueX 2023
EPICS overview - change the dates to suit
Shift leader instructions & desperate logbook entry on prestarts
wish list Remaining items are EPICS gathering (Thomas) & move to Prestart (David in Jan, or ask Sergey)
The default GCF in CCDB for runs 120,000+ is 0.1491. This is good.
Summer 2020 runs 72075 and 72766 started at close to 350nA and w pressure close to (and on either side of) 100kPa, have GCFs 0.148 and 0.150.
Run starts Jan 12
Naomi out Jan 3-23
source $HOSS_VENV/bin/activate.csh python3 /group/halld/AIEC/ -c /group/halld/AIEC/AIEC_CDC.cfg -I 15
Feb 16 RoboCDC control started
Feb 20 10am - 3pm RoboCDC control switched off for the duration of MCC's BCM recalibration (which was found to be unnecessary)
Feb 23 4pm ish Changed the current input to fixed because it was causing so many badepics Midnight ish switched the control off because the script was running so late and setting the HV after the run started.
Feb 25 Control switched back on for one run and then off again afterwards.
Mar 1 Late evening control switched back on, HV set to 2123V during tests, script failed and HV remained at 2123 overnight.
Mar 2 10:30 HV set back to 2125V manually. Control still on. Resumed operation correctly later that day (there was a long beam outage).
Mar 6 Control switched off for high current tests. Control switched on after tests were abandoned when maintenance day was declared.
Mar 7 Control switched off during high current tests.
Mar 8 Control switched off during high current tests.