JIRIAF Meeting Mar. 16 2023

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Connection Info:

You can connect using https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1608518798 (Meeting ID: 160 851 8798). (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):


  1. Previous Meeting
  2. Announcements
    1. Hiring status
  3. Design and prototyping efforts
    1. Web server and JIRIAF web from-end (JFE)
      1. Forms to collect user workflow details
      2. job_compute table
      3. User authentication
        1. Consider NERSC Superfacility API or SWIF2 authentication
    2. JIRIAF facility manager (JFM)
      1. Collect resource information from remote facilities
        1. Prototyping JLAB resource monitoring program that parses regularly updated JSON files.
          1. available_compute table
        2. Using Superfacility API
          1. NERSC requires to have an account and use MFA with OTP to use the API
    3. Application transfer
      1. Docker containers
      2. Docker image presentation using Shifter or Singularity
    4. File transfer
      1. Installed Rucio client on jiriaf.jlab.org
      2. Installed the BNL (NSLS-II) Data access Package: Tiled
      3. CVMFS is fully functional on jiriaf VM
    5. MySql workbench
      1. Problem X forwarding on VM
    6. SWIF2 history data access
  4. AOT

Useful References
