Deploy Prometheus Monitoring with Prometheus Operator

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Deploy Prometheus Monitoring with Prometheus Operator

This guide outlines the deployment process for a custom Prometheus monitoring setup using the Prometheus Operator.


Ensure your Kubernetes cluster has:

  1. Prometheus Operator
  2. Kubernetes Metrics Server
  3. Helm

Deployment Flow Chart

Below is a visual representation of the Prometheus deployment process:

Prometheus Deployment Flow Chart

This flow chart illustrates the key steps in deploying Prometheus monitoring using the Prometheus Operator.

Deployment Steps

  1. Install Prometheus Operator: First, we need to install the Prometheus Operator:
    1. Create a namespace for monitoring:
   kubectl create namespace monitoring
    1. Add the Prometheus Operator Helm repository:
   helm repo add prometheus-community
   helm repo update
    1. Install the Prometheus Operator:
   helm install prometheus-operator prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
    1. Verify the installation:
   kubectl get pods -n monitoring
  1. Configure Values: Edit `values.yaml` to set your specific configuration:
     name: <project-id>
     namespace: default
     node: jiriaf2302-control-plane
     path: /var/prom
     size: 5Gi
     serviceaccount: prometheus-k8s
     namespace: monitoring
  Key configurations:
  * ``: Used for job naming, persistent volume path, and service monitoring selection
  * `Deployment.namespace`: Specifies job namespace and namespace monitoring selection
  * `PersistentVolume.*`: Configures storage for Prometheus data
  * `Prometheus.*`: Sets Prometheus server details
  Note: Only those `servicemonitors` with the namespace `default` can be monitored. To monitor additional namespaces, additional configuration is required. Refer to the Prometheus Operator documentation on customizations for details.
  1. Install the Custom Prometheus Helm Chart: Run the following command, replacing `<project-id>` with your identifier:
   helm install <project-id>-prom prom/ --set<project-id>
   helm install $ID-prom prom/ --set$ID
  1. Verify Deployment: Check that all components are running:
   kubectl get pods -n monitoring
   kubectl get pv
  1. Access Grafana Dashboard:
    1. Find the Grafana service:
   kubectl get svc -n monitoring
    1. Set up port forwarding:
   kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-operator-grafana -n monitoring 3000:80
    1. Access Grafana at `http://localhost:3000` (default credentials: admin/admin)

Components Deployed

  • Prometheus Server (`prometheus.yaml`)
  • Persistent Volume for data storage (`prom-pv.yaml`)
  • Empty directory creation job (`prom-create_emptydir.yaml`)

Integration with Workflows

This setup is designed to monitor services and jobs created by your workflow system.

Advanced Configuration

For further customization, refer to the Helm chart templates and `values.yaml`. Ensure your cluster has the necessary permissions and resources for persistent volumes and Prometheus server operation.


If you encounter issues:

  1. Check pod status: `kubectl get pods -n monitoring`
  2. View pod logs: `kubectl logs <pod-name> -n monitoring`
  3. Ensure persistent volume is correctly bound: `kubectl get pv`
  4. Verify Prometheus configuration: `kubectl get prometheus -n monitoring -o yaml`

For more help, consult the Prometheus Operator documentation.