EPSCI Group Meeting Apr. 27, 2020

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The meeting time is 10:00am.

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Meeting ID
253 300 597

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  1. Previous meeting
  2. Software Licenses
  3. A.I.
  4. DOE FOA
  5. SRO Activities
  6. JANA2
  7. AOT


Attendees: David L.(chair), Carl T., Nathan B., Thomas B., Vardan G., Graham H.


  • Still no firm dates on when lab will reopen
    • Will follow reverse medcon steps so we will most likely be last group
    • Rules for meetings will likely change support social distancing
  • AITO (A.I. & Technology Office under Office of Science at DOE) meeting this week


  • Basically complete. Will be submitted within next few days


  • Supporting EIC on OSG
  • Ying (as reported by Thomas):
    • Has a rough draft draft of website (demo shown at Jie's meeting last week)
    • GUI w/o backend at the moment (Thomas will provide backend)
    • Help with GlueX running at NERSC


  • A request was made from GlueX to help support NERSC activities
    • Take over monitoring of day to day of job progress.
    • Not clear we IT can commit X FTE's to this, or that it saves that much from GlueX
  • David will continue to write proposals for NERSC computing resources for JLab ENP program


  • Now supporting generic object factories (i.e. algorithms generating objects that don't inherit from JObject)
  • Working on parallel event sources
  • Several additional, new features coming soon