EPSCI Group Meeting Jul. 13, 2020

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The meeting time is 10:00am.

Connection Info:

You can connect using BlueJeans Video conferencing (ID: 253 300 597). (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):

Meeting URL

Meeting ID
253 300 597

Want to dial in from a phone?

Dial one of the following numbers:
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
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Enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by #

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Dial: bjn.vc or and enter your meeting ID & passcode


  1. Previous meeting
  2. Announcements
    • Kishan starts Thursday!
    • Beam delivery for physics starts July 27th(ish)
      • David on shift 7/27, 7/28, 8/18, 8/19
      • Thomas on shift 7/29, 7/30
    • Github Private Repositories - e-mail sent to Dave Abbott
    • Streaming Data Scientist job posting (almost)
    • Has anyone read this week's fortnight paper?
  3. Copyright/Disclaimer
  4. NERSC Activity support
  5. Ongoing Activities
    • Hall A/C Software support (Carl T.)
    • EVIO-6 (Carl T.)
    • JANA2 (Nathan B.)
    • JLab Common Environment (CE) + SPACK
    • OSG + MCWrapper (Thomas)
      • Igal(Hall-D) request for help with GUI for Calorimeter calibration scripts
    • SRO Activities (Vardan G.)
      • EPSCI SRO Meeting this afternoon on Teams
  6. Publications
  7. AOT

GitHub Private Repositories

Dear JLab GitHub users,

JLab's licensing arrangement with GitHub presently allows a maximum of 450 'private' repos to be created under the JeffersonLab organization. We recently filled that quota and are presently unable to create new private repos. Unfortunately, due to a major restructuring of GitHub's licensing plans there is no easy way to simply increase that limit right now.

We are asking all GitHub members in the JeffersonLab organization to review their repos marked 'private' and do one of the following to help address this issue in the near term. This link shows all private repos:

1) If the repo doesn't really need to be 'private', change
   its Visibility to 'public' in the repo settings.
   * NOTE: 'public' does not mean that others can modify
           the repo.  If you would be comfortable putting
           a tarball on a wiki or webpage somewhere (ie.
           public_html/, etc), then 'public' should be
           fine on GitHub.
2) If the repo is unused and unneeded, then delete it.
   (Check with collaborators first!)
3) If appropriate, it could be transferred to your personal
   account. (Se repo settings: 'Transfer Ownership' at
   ** One positive change in GitHub's setup is that
      personal accounts can now create private repositories.
      That used to be a paid-only feature.  So, some classes
      of work (ie.  papers, proposals, etc) can be well served
      under 'free' personal accounts.
    - Larger projects, and JLab-specific work should remain
      attached to the JeffersonLab organization.
    • NOTE: There is no limit on 'public' repositories. Don't worry about those at all.
 We're working on a long term solution to this issue, but
 please investigate the steps above to help us all out in the
 near term.
 Jlab-scicomp-briefs mailing list


Attendees: David L.(chair), Carl T., Nathan B., Thomas B., Vardan G., Graham H.


  • Graham brought it up at IT meeting last week
  • General consensus we should do something
    • Projects should include standard LICENSE file at top of directory
    • Source files should include single line pointing to LICENSE file
    • Nathan will post recipe on wiki


  • All reading code is done (sans very minor tweaks)
  • Lots of testing still needed
  • Possible paper based on benchmark results compared to other file formats / I/O libraries


  • EVIO Event Source plus janadump under testing
  • Next steps
    • EVIO events
    • parallel event source


  • config files needed by end users will be web-available
  • Thomas has been communicating with Bryan and CyberSecurity
  • Disk area on CUE has been assigned


  • Collector will be moved this week from UCSD to JLab but UCSD will still serve as failover
  • Everything seems to be working now
  • users documentation still needs to be written

A.I. activities

  • preparations are underway for Hall-D monitoring during upcoming run
  • Hydra page is being deployed that will display only plots that are potentially problems


  • Micro-service that receives data from VTP is working
  • Able to use Hall-B setup-2
  • 152 kHz frames received (includes header, but not payload decoding)
    • 25Hz of missed frames
    • 580MB/s
  • There were some issues accessing alkaid.jlab.org via hallgw that have since been resolved.
  • The CLARA paper submitted to CHEP has been accepted!