PrimEx 2022

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Revision as of 19:04, 8 September 2022 by Njarvis (talk | contribs)
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1 Sept

Ready to start. This is how to do the initialization (on one of the gluons):

source $HOSS_VENV/bin/activate.csh

python3 /group/halld/AIEC/utilities/CDC_control_ai/primex/ -c /group/halld/AIEC/utilities/CDC_control_ai/primex/AIEC_CDC.cfg -I 15

(the arguments are minus capital i and then the lookback time in seconds)

10:13 switched the AI on. The next run will be 110505. They are using a SOLID Be TARGET so Thomas made the auto-shut-off for empty target configurable and switched it off.

5 Sept

110583 was the last run before the HV was switched off.

11:25 - Shift log: All CDC and FDC HVs were turned off, and the solenoid current is being ramped down to 0A. 13:12 - Shift log: Beni called to inform us that he turned off the A.I. for the CDC since we turned the voltages off.

7 Sept

CDC & AI switched back on as the target filled and solenoid ramped [1]

110621 was the first run with the solenoid on and target full.

8 Sept

15:07 ish Thomas enabled the auto-off if the target is not in state 3 (full & ready)