EPSCI SRO Meeting Dec. 12 2022
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Meeting ID: 160 855 6097
Passcode: 923910
SIP: 1608556097@sip.zoomgov.com
Passcode: 923910
- Announcements
- Last meeting of the 2022
- ERSAP planning
- Development efforts
- Monitoring
- Support for InfluxDB (done)
- Support for Prometheus (active)
- Prometheus ERSAP Exporter (active)
- Tiered data storage
- Redis as a source actor (on hold)
- Data-lake as a source actor
- Developed EjfatReaderEngine that includes a large ring buffer. (Testing)
- Develop EjfatReaderEngine that talks to ET (designing)
- Data stream transport
- Implementing Kafka as internal transport (research)
- Support for P2P (client-server) communication (on hold)
- Transient data format
- Use EVIO-6 as default
- Evaluate Apache Arrow as a transient data format (active)
- EvioArrow, ArrowEvio convertor engines (designing)
- Application graphical designer (research)
- Extend COOL to describe data-stream processing pipelines
- Considering using Spring Boot for web interface and object persistency (research)
- Engine provisioning and deployment improvements (on hold)
- Extend COOL to describe data-stream processing pipelines
- CLI improvements
- New language bindings (on hold)
- General-purpose data-stream processing engines (on hold)
- Benchmarking and testing (active)
- Monitoring
- Commissioning and field studies
- EIC prototype detector components data stream readout and processing
- Upcoming beam tests at the JLAB
- TriDAS
- Streaming CODA
- Upcoming beam tests at the JLAB
- Prototype GEM detector readout
- instructions at SAMPA-SRO
- DSPDecoder engine (on hold)
- Extending to 10 stream aggregation (designing)
- Formatting output data in EVIO-6 (in progress)
- ML-based anomaly detection: Adaptive sliding window (ADWIN) algorithm-based actor development (completed, testing)
- GEM detector failure. Installing replacement GEM
- 512 v.s. 768 strips
- Designing and fabricating a new transition board
- Transition board maps 480 (fits in 3 FE cards) of the 512 strips
- Paper at the CHEP23 (target)
- Integration with the streaming CODA data acquisition system.
- JCEdit-5.0: CODA COOL streaming front-end
- New CODA types: PAAG and SAAG (testing)
- AFECS updates to support new CODA types (testing)
- CODA connection mechanism to a data-processing pipeline
- Most likely ET
- Port CLAS12 CLARA services into ERSAP (completed)
- EJFAT reassemble - ERSAP BE interface (completed)
- Successfully run CLAS12 reconstruction application on ejfat-1, streaming data from ejfat-5 through LB on ejfat-1
- Corrupted reassembled events
- Introducing data lake as a stream-source actor (testing)
- PID loop in the BE receiver actor (completed)
- EIC prototype detector components data stream readout and processing
- Development efforts
Useful References
- SRO Meetings
- CLAS12 SRO page
- ERSAP Document
- Vardan's WMS draft
- Graham's Paper describing SRO
- Dave Abbott's slides on data format