Login to SciComp GPUs
The following is how to use one of the ML scicomp machines that has 4 Titan RTX GPU cards installed.
1. Setting up the software environment seems to be more easily done using conda. We need to first log into jlab common environment with ssh
ssh login.jlab.org
You'll be prompted to enter your Jlab account password.
2. We need to log into ifarm with the following ssh command
ssh ifarm190X
In 190X, X can either be 1 or 2.
3. Setting up Python environment
The software must be set up using a computer other than sciml190X since it needs a level of outside network access not available there. Also, the size of the installation is large enough that it won't fit easily in you home directory. Conda likes to install things in ~/.conda so that must be a link to some larger disk.