EJFAT Group Meeting Jan. 19, 2023

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The meeting time is 11:00am Eastern/USA.

Connection Info:

You can connect using [ https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1611828967?pwd=UVVCS0pUVW5FMlphT0lRQXdoQ0o4Zz09&from=addon ZoomGov Video conferencing (ID: 161 012 5238)]. (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):

Meeting URL

Meeting ID
161 182 8967


Want to dial in from a phone?

Dial one of the following numbers:
US: +1 669 254 5252 or +1 646 828 7666 or +1 551 285 1373 or +1 669 216 1590 or 833 568 8864 (Toll Free)

Enter the meeting ID and passcode followed by #

Connecting from a room system?
Dial: bjn.vc or and enter your meeting ID & passcode


  1. Previous meeting
  2. Announcements:
    1. Mask Reqd On-Site
  3. Current Test set-up:
    1. CLAS12 files -> Carl C++ Packetizer -> LB -> Carls's C++ Reassembler -> ERSAP
  4. New Test set-up (pending):
    1. CLAS12 files -> Carl C++ Packetizer -> new LB (delivered) / dynamic CP (in progress) -> Carls's C++ Reassembler -> PID controller (completed) -> ERSAP
    2. RE input fifo 50% full as PID set-point for Schedule Density
  5. New Test set-up: GAP
    1. CP gRPC i/f to RE PID:
      1. Non-streaming / Peer-to-Peer
      2. Server-side streaming: Implies RE Server, CP Client
      3. Client-side streaming: Implies CP Server, RE Client
      4. Bidirectional streaming: Peer Coupled
      5. Publish/Subscribe:
    2. CP PID signal -> LB Schedule Density transform (Draft C++ algorithm completed)
      1. Carl to build CP for EJFAT
      2. Derek Howard (ESnet) to build a PID controller to deliver packets to Perlmutter at NERSC
    3. CP gRPC i/f to LB (pending)
  6. Status
  7. AOT