Access files on JLab XrootD server

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Here is an example of copying files to a location on the JLab EIC work disk that can then be accessed from anywhere using xrootd.

On a JLab ifarm machine, create a directory on the EIC work disk.

   ssh ifarm1901
   mkdir /work/eic3/users/davidl/2023.02.16.TriDAS_data

Copy files to the directory. Here, I do this from the group account streamdaq on clondaq5

   scp /data/tridas/ davidl@ifarm1901:/work/eic3/users/davidl/2023.02.16.TriDAS_data

You should now be able to access the files using an xroot client on your local computer. Here, I do it with a docker container. The key info is to use as the host and the path will be the same as on the CUE.

   docker run --rm -it lukasheinrich/xrootdclient xrdfs ls /work/eic3/users/davidl/2023.02.16.TriDAS_data

To copy a file to your local machine, use the xrdcp command. Again, using docker

   # Use the "-v ${PWD}:/work" option to bind the current directory
   # on your local machine to a directory named "/work" inside the
   # container. This lets the you copy to the host file system rather
   # than the temporary one docker creates for the container.
   docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/work lukasheinrich/xrootdclient xrdcp root:// /work