EJFAT Group Meeting Feb. 16, 2023
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The meeting time is 11:00am Eastern/USA.
Connection Info:
You can connect using [ https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1611828967?pwd=UVVCS0pUVW5FMlphT0lRQXdoQ0o4Zz09&from=addon ZoomGov Video conferencing (ID: 161 012 5238)]. (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):
- Previous meeting
- Announcements:
- NERSC Test set-up:
- Data Source: JLAB, CLAS12, pre-event aggregated - 1 channel
- Derek Howard (ESnet) to build CP for EJFAT and Perlmutter at NERSC with JLab assisting
- Week of 2/13:
- Finish mock API server
- Create an internal representation of the load balancer calendar
- Implement the algorithm specified in "EJFAT Load Balancer Schedule Density from Reassembly Engine PID control"
- Meeting with Derek 4PM EST Thursday
- Week of 2/20: Other ESnet projects
- Week of 2/27: Add integration for the SmartNIC P4 Controller, synchronizing the internal state of the gRPC server with the P4 tables.
- Week of 3/6: Other ESnet projects
- Week of 3/13: Start work on integration test tooling.
- Week of 2/13:
- Data Sink:
- Perlmutter
- RT2022 Paper: Wrapping up Legal details for publishing rights, etc.
- ACAT2022 Paper: due March 5, 2023
- Resources:
- CP gRPC i/f to RE PID: Non-streaming / Peer-to-Peer (Note on gRPC Publish/Subscribe)
- CP PID signal -> LB Schedule Density transform (Draft C++ algorithm completed)
- Proposed Changes to RE Meta-Data
- CP gRPC i/f to LB (pending)
- Status