Project dependencies
NB. For installation you should define ERSAP_HOME environmental variable.
SAMPA SRO diagram
Building SAMA DAQ codebase
NB. The SAMPA SRO package is kindly provided by the ALICE collaboration and is modified by the EPSCI SRO group to make it streaming. The modified package can be found at /home/gurjyan/Devel/stream/exp-sampa
- login into
- copy the ALICE modified package into your directory
- follow instructions in README to build the package
Configuration and running
NB: Keeping the order of instructions is important.
NB: On source setup_ersap.bash/tcsh from /home/gurjyan/Workspace/ersap/sampa. This script sets up necessary environmental variables pointing to a correct JAVA SDK.
NB. We recommend defining and creating a $ERSAP_USER_DATA directory. No worries about the mentioned directory structure. After the first ERSAP execution, the $ERSAP_USER_DATA directory will get proper structure. Use the ersap-shell (ERSAP CLI) to run the services locally. The CLI provides a high-level interface to configure and start the different ERSAP components required to run an application.
- Start the ERSAP shell:
- $ERSAP_HOME/bin/ersap-shell
- Define the application within a services.yaml file. An example of the file can be found in the ersap-jana installation manual. NB: The default location for the application definition file is in $ERSAP_USER_DATA/config dir
- Optionally, you can change the number of parallel threads used by the services to process requests
- ersap> set threads <NUM_THREADS>
- Start the data processing. This will start the main Java DPE, a C++ DPE if the C++ service is listed in services.yaml, and it will run the streaming orchestrator to process the data stream.
- ersap> run local
- Run SAMPA FE (on some other terminal. NB: use bash shell)
- >source [modified ALICE code directory]/dist/trorc/trorc-operator/
- >treadout --data-type 1 --frames 4000 --mode das --mask 0x7 --port 6000 --host_ip localhost --events 0
ERSAP application data-stream pipeline
The following is an ERSAP application composition file (services.yaml), describing SAMPA SRO and data-stream processing back-end.
--- io-services:
reader: class: name: SMPSource writer: class: name: SMPWriter
- class: name: SMPStreamTest - class: name: SMPHistogram
io-services: reader: stream_count: 6 port: 6000 writer: file_output: "false" services: SMPStreamTest: verbose: "false" SMPHistogram: frame_title: "ERSAP" frame_width: 1400 frame_height: 1200 grid_size: 2 #> hist_titles is a string containing the list of integers=channels separated by , hist_titles: "1, 3, 7, 17" hist_bins: 100 hist_min: 0 hist_max: 500
- binary/data-sampa