EPSCI Group Meeting Oct. 12, 2020

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The meeting time is 10:00am.

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253 300 597

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  1. Previous meeting
  2. Announcements
  3. Ongoing Activities
    • EVIO-6 (Carl)
    • JANA2 (Nathan)
      • GlueX port
    • A.I.
      • JLab AI webpage (Kishan)
      • Hydra (Kishan/Thomas)
      • Experimental Controls (David)
    • SRO (Vardan)
      • ERSAP
      • Hall-B/D TriDAS
    • JLab Common Environment (CE) + SPACK (Thomas)
    • Offsite Computing
      • BigRed3 at IU (David)
        • First job run manually
        • Integration with swif2 this week (maybe)
      • PSC
        • Early User Program application submitted for Bridges-2
      • NERSC (David)
        • AY21 Request submitted
        • Job bundling to start mid-late Oct.
      • OSG (Thomas)
  4. GUI for Calorimeter calibration scripts (Hall-D Request) (Thomas)
  5. Publications
    • publishable projects
  6. Coding Standards
  7. AOT


Attendees: David L., Carl T., Nathan B., Thomas B., Kishan R.


  • Carl called in from his vacation up in Michigan
  • This is no news to report from Michigan.

Fortnight Meeting

  • Paper chosen for fortnight discussion was more of a usage manual than scientific paper. Those who had not read it already were not encouraged to do so. This coupled with not having a Code Review topic for today we decided to cancel the Fortnight paper/Code Review meeting for this afternoon and instead meet in 2 weeks to discuss the coding standards Nathan pointed us to some weeks ago.


  • Documentation
    • Tested use of pandoc to convert existing code into sphinx markdown for use with ReadTheDocs.
    • Numerous issues with the conversion that still required a lot of manual tweaking
    • Doxygen comments not incorporated yet into the produced ReadTheDocs pages.


  • HDDM event source working (used for GlueX MC data)
  • Working on Plugins/Processors


  • JLab AI website
    • Kishan completed Drupal training on Friday and now has access as an editor (David is still pubisher)
    • Plan is to implement proposed updates over the next 2 weeks.
  • Hydra
    • Training script ported to Tensorflow 2.3 and is working
    • Some discussion of other features that could be added, but that are not considered the highest priority at the moment
    • Kishan is working on porting the predict script to TF2.3
    • Paper
      • Goal is to have complete draft of first Hydra paper by Dec. 2020
      • An empty Overleaf document has been created
    • Thomas has started designing a general use AI report class in Python
    • Kishan noted most recent Tensorflow version available via conda is 2.2
      • David noted Tensorflow 2.3.1 was available via venv (will send Kishan link to documentation on installing venv as user-space kernel in jupyterhub.


  • Vardan is attending the RealTime conference this week and was not at the EPSCI meeting today. He is presenting a poster on ERSAP. The 1 minute introduction is to be shown today at 12:45. (Registration to RT2020 is free)


  • Thomas discovered a feature that makes it easy to generate a skeleton configuration for a package using only a URL to something like a github repository
  • Five of the packages we wish to support are not currently part of the standard SPACK package set
  • A rich dependency handling system is included, but will need a little time to figure out the best way to use it at JLab

Offsite Computing

  • IU - Big Red3
    • First job run manually on Big Red3
    • Working to get integrated into swif2 this week (possibly)
  • PSC
    • Early User Program application submitted for Bridges-2. (will only last 1 month in Jan.)
    • AY21 application submitted
  • OSG
    • Thomas and Wes met with Edgar last week to go over more details. Wes presented the current list of issues/questions
    • Many of the needed pieces are now set up and configured.
    • On target for having it run by end of year. (may actually be sooner, but no date offered at meeting)
    • MCWrapper
      • JEF program in Hall-D has expressed interest in adding a variation for them to the Hall-D implementation
      • Something was set up for SoLID some time ago, but Thomas has not heard from the one person who was going to use it for some time. He will reach out again to see if there are any issues.