EPSCI Group Meeting Oct. 19, 2020

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The meeting time is 10:00am.

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253 300 597

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  1. Previous meeting
  2. Announcements
  3. Real Time 2020
  4. SoLID Software Status
  5. Ongoing Activities
    • EVIO-6 (Carl)
    • JANA2 (Nathan)
      • GlueX port
    • A.I.
      • JLab AI webpage (Kishan)
      • Hydra (Kishan/Thomas)
      • Experimental Controls (David)
    • SRO (Vardan)
      • ERSAP
      • Hall-B/D TriDAS
    • JLab Common Environment (CE) + SPACK (Thomas)
    • Offsite Computing
      • BigRed3 at IU (David)
      • NERSC (David)
      • OSG (Thomas)
  6. GUI for Calorimeter calibration scripts (Hall-D Request) (Thomas)
  7. Publications
  8. Coding Standards
  9. AOT


Attendees: David L., Carl T., Nathan B., Thomas B., Kishan R., Vardan G.

Fortnight Meeting

  • Coding standards discussion next week. Read up!


  • Vardan attending
    • Operational vs. Informational Technology
    • Lots of efforts to put intelligence closer to detectors
    • MLS4ML - CERN tool to convert models from most common packages to form suitable for accelerators (e.g. GPUS)


  • Carl out of town last week
  • Documentation
    • Will work on integrating Doxygen comments into the produced ReadTheDocs pages this week.


  • EVIO event sources working
  • Working on hd_dump and hd_root to start consistency checks with original JANA


  • JLab AI website
    • Some changes submitted by Kishan. (David still needs to approve)
  • Hydra
    • Kishan restructuring predict script to use classes and make it more flexible for 3rd party users
    • Goal to have a paper written this year
      • Working on a publishable form of the code by then so it can be referenced
      • Thomas has almost completed a draft of the introduction in Overleaf


  • Vardan is porting many of the streaming microservices to C++
  • Will consult with Carl as needed since given his recent experience with related algorithms such as highly efficient ring buffers.
  • Vardan has provided some slides needed for Marco's talk on Thursday (David needs to supply some as well.)


  • Vardan enhancing the filtering feature of the CODA Message Browser at the request of Bryan Moffit. He needs it to help debug some issues in Hall-A/C.


  • No time to work on this during the past week


  • Thomas has integrated support for JEF (JLab Eta Factory experiment) into MCWrapper at their request.
  • GlueX has requested feature to add a custom JANA config file to MCWrapper jobs.

Offsite Computing

  • IU - Big Red3
    • Initial SWIF2 integration complete, though still working out issues with getting first job to run
    • Met with NERSC analyst, Chris L.;, and Jie C. on Friday to discuss multi-job jobs. Better understanding of problem and possible solutions. We now have a plan to work towards a solution.
  • OSG
    • Wes was told by Edgar to open a ticket once things were set up on the JLab end. This has been done, but no further word yet.
    • Possible first jobs could come in this week to run on the 4 dedicated OSG-dev nodes. Depends on schedule of Wes and Edgar when it will be completely ready.