JIRIAF Meeting Aug. 3 2023

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Meeting ID: 160 851 8798
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Meeting ID: 160 851 8798
Passcode: 205601


  1. Announcements
    1. CHEP23
      1. CHEP23 publication is due in September
    2. LDRD renewal presentation August 10
      1. Proposal and presentation files can be found at JIRIAF Teams Channel
  2. Hardware
    1. jiriaf23-1/02 are moved to L3 VPN
    2. Installing ERSAP and JIRIAF
      1. Request to mount /daqfs
    3. JDK installation
      1. jdk1.8 and jdk17 on jiriaf2301
        1. sudo update-alternatives --config 'java' (to switch between versions)
    4. Tiled is installed
      1. No word from Allan Daniel from BNL.
  3. JFE developments status
    1. Installed Node.js on jiriaf2301
      1. node: v10.24.0, and npm: 6.14.11
      2. Created demo web server using node
        1. node --inspect demo_server.js
    2. FE integration with the JIRAF DB
    3. When can we have the JIRIAF site up and running?
    1. Installation on jiriaf2301
  5. JRM
    1. Conceptual design document
    2. JRM sketch
    3. Created a Dockerfile to create an image containing Ubuntu, Docker, and K8s components, such as kubelet and kubectl.
  6. Preparation for upcoming integration test at NERSC
    1. NERSC account and login
    2. Updates to the CLAS12 reconstruction ERSAP workflow
      1. New ET source actor (completed)
      2. New PID visualization actor (in progress)
    3. Tested local deployment on indra-s2 -> ejfat1,3,5,6.
    4. ERSAP workflow container, including EJFAT transport components (in progress)
  7. AOT

Useful References
