GlueX 2023
EPICS overview - change the dates to suit
Shift leader instructions & desperate logbook entry on prestarts
wish list Remaining items are EPICS gathering (Thomas) & move to Prestart (David in Jan, or ask Sergey)
The default GCF in CCDB for runs 120,000+ is 0.1491. This is good.
Summer 2020 runs 72075 and 72766 started at close to 350nA and w pressure close to (and on either side of) 100kPa, have GCFs 0.148 and 0.150.
Run starts Jan 12
Naomi out Jan 3-23.
source $HOSS_VENV/bin/activate.csh python3 /group/halld/AIEC/ -c /group/halld/AIEC/AIEC_CDC.cfg -I 15
The pressure sensor was not working reliably for most of January. Jan 24 logbook entry describing pressure sensor issues
Feb 16 120739-120745 RoboCDC control on.
Feb 20 120746-120750 10am - 3pm RoboCDC control switched off for the duration of MCC's BCM recalibration (which was found to be unnecessary)
Feb 20 120751-120821 RoboCDC control on. Feb 23 4pm ish Changed the current input to fixed because it was causing so many badepics
Feb 24 120822-120830 switched the control off because the script was running so late and setting the HV after the run started.
Feb 25 120831-120832 Control switched back on for two runs and then off again afterwards.
Mar 1 Late evening control switched back on, HV set to 2123V during tests, script failed and HV remained at 2123 overnight.
Mar 2 10:30 HV set back to 2125V manually. Control still on. Resumed operation correctly later that day (there was a long beam outage).
Mar 6 Control switched off for high current tests. Control switched on after tests were abandoned when maintenance day was declared.
Mar 7 Control switched off during high current tests.
Mar 8 Control switched off during high current tests.