JIRIAF Meeting Nov. 16 2023

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Revision as of 16:54, 16 November 2023 by Gurjyan (talk | contribs) (→‎Agenda:)
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  1. Announcements
    1. Successful deployment and data-stream processing from JLAB to NERSC Perlmutter.
    2. In the process of hiring a student from ODU.
  2. Summary of the project's undertakings and key achievements
    1. M1 (Complete)
      1. Multiple pods within the vk-cmd
    2. M2 (Complete)
      1. Prometheus scraper that uses UNIX perf
    3. M3
      1. Define mechanisms to act on user workflows, such as reducing previously allocated resources to the user workflow/application.
    4. M4
      1. JCS design and development
        1. Finalize and prototype JIRIAF central service database. Tables, such as
          1. available resource, user requests, and user workflow status.
        2. Examine the site resources database table (constantly updated by SWIF2) and submit SWIF2 requests to launch JRM and allocate/lease resources.
        3. Communicate with the k8s App server, ensuring submitted jobs are running, updating JIRIAF's available resource DB table.
        4. Develop a resource-request matching algorithm that compares user requests with the available resources.
          1. Define and suggest metadata structure for requests for accurate matching.
        5. Monitor/scrape Prometheus database process-related metrics and update active user workflows status DB table.
    5. M5 (Complete)
    6. JIRIAF k8s node/vk_cmd: Implement a function that can use ConfigMap configuration to write files in pods.
  3. Slides for upcoming presentations in preparation for the publications
    1. Slide describing JIRIAF virtual k8s cluster creation, emphasizing its dynamic nature.
    2. Slide showing Prometheus integration to monitor JIRIAF k8s cluster and pods.
    3. Start working on a paper describing JIRIAF resource acquisition and workflow deployment within a dynamic k8s cluster.
  4. Work requirement for the student to work on FE.
  5. AOT

Useful References
