AIOP May 13, 2024
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The current weekly meeting time is every other Monday at 13:00 US/Eastern
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AIOP - Polarized Target
- Previous Meeting
- Announcements
- Project Progress
- Data mining/preparation
- GitHub AIOP Project (AIOP-Photon issues)
- Task assignments (FTE Profiles)
- PIER Activities
- Middle School Data Science Hackathon Workshop
- HUGS mini-Workshop
- Armen presents…technical issues… torri shows some distributions that she gave to Armen. Armen resumes
- Start by attempting to create a surrogate model
- GPR (like AIEC) to get polarization estimation
- Use cleaned data from Torri
- Had to remove B_DAQ:HEL:60m:29:asycorr
- Really good agreement
- Use std/mean for baseline etc and all other variables
- cc*area is polarization…so maybe not use them…
- Some large error…need to investigate
- Looks like area was left out of input features
- Use std/mean for baseline etc and all other variables
- Discussion of the variables (e.g. cc and area)
- ToDo:
- Test with area in input set
- Perform PCA on both models
- Do error propagation for the target values
- Histogram of the difference between the predictions and targets
- Torri asked for notebook access
- Will be given
- Model saved for posterity 🙂
- Start by attempting to create a surrogate model
- Thomas will work with Patrick as a guinea pig for hands on
- Torri is doing Abstracts for AIOP for CHEP