EPSCI Group Meeting Feb. 8, 2021

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The meeting time is 10:00am.

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253 300 597

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  1. Previous meeting
  2. Announcements
  3. Ongoing Activities
  4. Publications
  5. AOT


Attendees: David L., Carl T., Nathan B., Kishan R., Vardan G., Thomas B., Graham H.

  • Announcements
    • Vardan may need to abandon vCHEP paper due to time constraint and too many other ongoing projects.
  • OSG
    • JLab has thus far dedicated modest resources to running OSG jobs onsite
    • Lots of jobs are getting pushed to the OSG
    • Some discussion of helping Nobuo get some jobs running on OSG to increase his overall available resource. He is currently using way over his limit of the SciComp farm (~12% vs allocated ~1%). This is due to the farm being underutilized by others. However, what he effectively gets out of it will drop if/when those uses start utilizing their shares.
      • There was confusion as to the exact project Nobuo needs large farm resources for.
      • Thomas had communicated with him back in early pandemic days about using the OSG for JAM. He helped him set up a project, but is unsure if it was ever used.
      • Thomas will reach out to see what the status is and if any help is needed.
  • SRO
    • INDRA lab
      • Ben/Dave A. implemented new firmware version that allows much deeper frame buffering on VTP (1023 vs 20).
      • Vardan able to compile SAMPA code. Has reached out to Ed J. and Alex C. to inquire about when he might get access
    • ERSAP + TriDAS
      • Joint meetings occurring bi-weekly on tic-tock schedule with Hall-B SRO meetings
      • Vardan expanded the group by inviting people from the fast electronics group to participate
      • Some enhancements of ERSAP C++ API made to provide interface with TriDAS
      • ERSAP + JANA project started
  • CODA
    • EVIO + SPACK
      • Converting builds of EVIO from using scons to cmake. (scons files will be left in place for legacy but cmake will be supported build system in future)
    • jevent_viewer graphical EVIO browser being updated to accomodate EVIO-6 features
    • Carl signed up for course on github integration
    • Vardan is working on requests for enhanced ROC statistics reporting and GUI upgrades
    • Some time spend to chase bug reported as jobs "stalling" from CLAS12 cooks.
      • Turned out to be miscommunication. Jobs did not actually stall, but error/timeout caused jobs to end early leaving truncated files
    • Some interest from Univ. of Cal. Riverside to use CLARA for CVT alignment (Kalman filter)
  • JANA2
    • New release candidate for version 2.0.4 published.
      • Dmitry requested for new eJANA. He will test and confirm before Nathan makes it into full release.
    • Several issues closed out over last week
    • Working on autotune feature for NUMA
    • Started looking at OneAPI
    • Nathan would like to access the GPUs on the sciml190X machines. Kishan will point him to documentation on SciComp website.
  • ACTS
    • Nathan met with Carlos and his students to discuss ACTS in JANA
    • Looks like they may be more of a customer than a developer