EPSCI Group Meeting Feb. 15, 2021

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The meeting time is 10:00am.

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253 300 597

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  1. Previous meeting
  2. Announcements
  3. Ongoing Activities
    • A.I.
    • Offsite Computing
      • NERSC, PSC, IU
      • OSG
    • DAQ systems
      • SRO
      • CODA (CODA3 support, EVIO-6)
    • Scientific Software support
    • Experiment Support
      • EIC (EIC Software Expression of Interest meeting 1/27)
      • CPP
      • SOLID
  4. Publications
  5. AOT
 Tomorrow, as part of the monthly scheduled maintenance, the following changes will be made to the Scientific
 Computing environment:
 - At 9:00am there will be a brief interruption of network traffic to scientific computing networks
   to switch over to new firewalls. For traffic that is firewalled, capacity will be increased to 10Gbit/sec.
 - The default version of Singularity will be updated to 3.7.1 and 3.7.0-rc2 will be removed
 - CMake will be updated to a default version of 3.19.4
 - GPUs for notebooks will be made available as a beta feature in on Jupyterhub, https://jupyterhub.jlab.org


Attendees: David L., Carl T., Nathan B., Kishan R., Vardan G., Thomas B., Graham H.

  • Announcements
    • While going over minutes of last week it was noted that Nobuo may need some help with containerization of his code for running jobs on the OSG
      • Thomas confirmed that he intends to run jobs for the JAM (=JLab Angular Momentum) project on the OSG.
    • Vardan's talk at the SEA's conference is scheduled for Mar. 26 @ 1pm
  • AI
    • Kishan has been reaching out to identify other possible projects to get involved in.
      • Hall-D BCAL hadronic vs. photonic shower classification (Zisis P., and Cristiano F.)
      • Hall A/C signal finding (not many details yet) (Arun)
    • Thomas' Early Career Award proposal has been submitted
  • Offsite data processing
    • Some issue with some jobs running on PSC Bridges-2 not fully utilizing the available CPU. Info. sent to admins and awaiting their analysis.
    • OSG: Edgar is leaving soon and will be replaced. Thomas expects to meet the replacement next week.
  • SRO
    • Vardan has exchanged e-mail with Ed, Alex, Holly regarding SAMPA setup
      • GEM detector disconnected in INDRA lab so it could be moved to an area where an active radioactive source can be used.
      • Alex C. considering an alternative to SAMPA and is investigating in TestLab with GEM
      • Ed J. will look at setting up SAMPA system in INDRA so it can still be tested even without GEM detector
    • VTP
      • Vardan performed 8hr test using new firmware with deep buffers
      • Occasional spikes still seen. Around 1400 frames lost in 10s, but number is fairly regular. Cause is unknown
    • Vardan wrote page summarizing ERSAP progress. This could be inserted into EIC R&D report
      • David will contact Chris C. about this
  • CODA
  • Offline frameworks
    • CLARA
    • JANA2
  • ACTS