Deploy JRMs on NERSC and ORNL via Fireworks
Launching JRMs: Detailed Step-by-Step Guide
For detailed instructions, please refer to the Github repository jiriaf-fireworks.
Part 1: Setting up JRM Launcher (fw-lpad)
1. Install prerequisites:
- MongoDB (for storing workflow of JRM launches)
- Kubernetes API server
- Valid kubeconfig file for the Kubernetes cluster
- Docker
- Python 3.9 (for developers)
2. Set up MongoDB for storing Fireworks workflows:
- Create and start a MongoDB container:
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb-container \ -v $HOME/JIRIAF/mongodb/data:/data/db mongo:latest
- Wait for MongoDB to start (about 10 seconds), then create a new database and user:
docker exec -it mongodb-container mongosh --eval ' db.getSiblingDB("jiriaf").createUser({ user: "jiriaf", pwd: "jiriaf", roles: [{role: "readWrite", db: "jiriaf"}] }) '
3. Prepare the site configuration file:
- Use the template in
- Create a configuration file for your specific site (e.g., perlmutter_config.yaml or ornl_config.yaml)
- Examples of site_config files:
- Perlmutter configuration example (perlmutter_config.yaml):
slurm: nodes: 1 constraint: cpu walltime: 00:10:00 qos: debug account: m3792 #m3792 #m4637 reservation: # 100G jrm: nodename: jrm-perlmutter site: perlmutter control_plane_ip: jiriaf2302 apiserver_port: 38687 kubeconfig: /global/homes/j/jlabtsai/run-vk/kubeconfig/jiriaf2302 image: docker:jlabtsai/vk-cmd:main vkubelet_pod_ips: - custom_metrics_ports: [2221, 1776, 8088, 2222] config_class: ssh: remote_proxy: remote: jlabtsai@ ssh_key: /root/.ssh/nersc password: build_script:
- ORNL configuration example (ornl_config.yaml):
slurm: nodes: 1 constraint: ejfat walltime: 00:10:00 qos: normal account: csc266 reservation: #ejfat_demo jrm: nodename: jrm-ornl site: ornl control_plane_ip: jiriaf2302 apiserver_port: 38687 kubeconfig: /ccsopen/home/jlabtsai/run-vk/kubeconfig/jiriaf2302 image: docker:jlabtsai/vk-cmd:main vkubelet_pod_ips: - custom_metrics_ports: [2221, 1776, 8088, 2222] config_class: ssh: remote_proxy: remote: ssh_key: password: < user password in base64 > build_script: /root/
4. Prepare necessary files and directories:
- Create a directory for logs
- Create a
file - Ensure you have the necessary SSH key (e.g., for NERSC access)
- Create a
file with the MongoDB connection details:
host: localhost logdir: <path to logs> mongoclient_kwargs: {} name: jiriaf password: jiriaf port: 27017 strm_lvl: INFO uri_mode: false user_indices: [] username: jiriaf wf_user_indices: []
5. Copy the kubeconfig file to the remote site:
scp /path/to/local/kubeconfig user@remote:/path/to/remote/kubeconfig
6. Start the JRM Launcher container:
export logs=/path/to/your/logs/directory docker run --name=jrm-fw-lpad -itd --rm --net=host \ -v ./your_site_config.yaml:/fw/your_site_config.yaml \ -v $logs:/fw/logs \ -v `pwd`/port_table.yaml:/fw/port_table.yaml \ -v $HOME/.ssh/nersc:/root/.ssh/nersc \ -v `pwd`/my_launchpad.yaml:/fw/util/my_launchpad.yaml \ jlabtsai/jrm-fw-lpad:main
7. Verify the container is running:
docker ps
8. Log into the container:
docker exec -it jrm-fw-lpad /bin/bash
9. Add a workflow:
./ add_wf /fw/your_site_config.yaml
10. Note the workflow ID provided for future reference
Part 2: Setting up FireWorks Agent (fw-agent) on Remote Compute Site
1. SSH into the remote compute site
2. Create a new directory for your FireWorks agent:
mkdir fw-agent cd fw-agent
3. Copy the requirements.txt
file to this directory (you may need to transfer it from your local machine)
4. Create a Python virtual environment and activate it:
python3.9 -m venv jrm_launcher source jrm_launcher/bin/activate
5. Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
6. Create the fw_config
directory and necessary configuration files:
mkdir fw_config cd fw_config
7. Create and configure the following files in the fw_config
:- For Perlmutter:
category: perlmutter name: perlmutter query: '{}'
- For ORNL:
category: ornl name: ornl query: '{}'
_fw_name: CommonAdapter _fw_q_type: SLURM _fw_template_file: <path to queue_template.yaml> rocket_launch: rlaunch -c <path to fw_config> singleshot nodes: walltime: constraint: account: job_name: logdir: <path to logs> pre_rocket: post_rocket:
host: localhost logdir: <path to logs> mongoclient_kwargs: {} name: jiriaf password: jiriaf port: 27017 strm_lvl: INFO uri_mode: false user_indices: [] username: jiriaf wf_user_indices: []
#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --nodes=$${nodes} #SBATCH --ntasks=$${ntasks} #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=$${ntasks_per_node} #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=$${cpus_per_task} #SBATCH --mem=$${mem} #SBATCH --gres=$${gres} #SBATCH --qos=$${qos} #SBATCH --time=$${walltime} #SBATCH --partition=$${queue} #SBATCH --account=$${account} #SBATCH --job-name=$${job_name} #SBATCH --license=$${license} #SBATCH --output=$${job_name}-%j.out #SBATCH --error=$${job_name}-%j.error #SBATCH --constraint=$${constraint} #SBATCH --reservation=$${reservation} $${pre_rocket} cd $${launch_dir} $${rocket_launch} $${post_rocket}
8. Test the connection to the LaunchPad database:
lpad -c <path to fw_config> reset
If prompted "Are you sure? This will RESET your LaunchPad. (Y/N)", type 'N' to cancel
9. Run the FireWorks agent:
qlaunch -c <path to fw_config> -r rapidfire
Managing Workflows and Connections
Use the following commands on the fw-lpad machine to manage workflows and connections:
- Delete a workflow:
./ delete_wf <workflow_id>
- Delete ports:
./ delete_ports <start_port> <end_port>
- Connect to database:
./ connect db /fw/your_site_config.yaml
- Connect to API server:
./ connect apiserver 35679 /fw/your_site_config.yaml
- Connect to metrics server:
./ connect metrics 10001 vk-node-1 /fw/your_site_config.yaml
- Connect to custom metrics:
./ connect custom_metrics 20001 8080 vk-node-1 /fw/your_site_config.yaml
- Check logs in the
directory for SSH connection issues - Ensure all configuration files are correctly formatted and contain required fields
- Verify that necessary ports are available and not blocked by firewalls
- For fw-agent issues:
- Ensure the FireWorks LaunchPad is accessible from the remote compute site
- Verify that the Python environment has all necessary dependencies installed
- Consult the FireWorks documentation for more detailed configuration and usage information