EPSCI Group Meeting Mar. 8, 2021
The meeting time is 10:00am.
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- Introductions to group
- Previous meeting
- Announcements
- Fortnight paper for Mar. 15:
- Conferences and Workshops
- Workshop: CFNS-ANL Joint Workshop on Instrumenting the 2nd IR at the EIC (Mar. 21-24)
- Vardan: Streaming data processing from multiple satellite data sets under the NASA/GEWEX SRB project. (Mar. 26 @ 1pm)
- Autonomous Discovery in Science and Engineering workshop (April 20-22)
- vCHEP2021 (May 17-21)
- Thomas, Kishan: Hydra
- Vardan, Nathan, David (+Hall-B, Fast Electronics, and TriDAS groups): TriDAS + JANA2 SRO
- David: HOSS!
- ACAT2021 (Nov. 29 - Dec. 3)
- Ongoing Activities
- Scientific Software support
- JLab Common Environment (CE) + SPACK
- ServiceNow (mapmanager, fputil, fpack, bos, bankdef)
- Offline frameworks (CLARA, JANA2)
- JLab Common Environment (CE) + SPACK
- Data Transport
- DAQ systems
- CODA (CODA3 support, EVIO-6)
- A.I.
- GPU purchase for ENP
- Jupyterhub
- A.I.I. : Feb. 3, 2021 A.I.I. Planning
- Experimental Controls
- Experiment Support
- EIC (EIC Software Expression of Interest meeting 1/27)
- Offsite Computing
- Scientific Software support
Attendees: David L., Carl T., Nathan B., Kishan R., Vardan G., Thomas B., Graham H., Mike G.
- GPU Farm nodes
- Some complications with initial plan for GPU purchase by ENP for SciComp farm
- Vendor quote for GPU nodes does not include option for single GPU nodes with reasonable pricing (only nodes with many GPUs)
- Alternative plan formed to purchase only a couple of those nodes, but Bryan was going to look into getting quote from another vendor
- There was a request for suggestions for Edgar's replacement. Raised question if person being integrated now will be temporary.
- Thomas believes this person will remain our contact and any additional hire they make will work on other things.
- Some work done on documentation on wiki
- Instructions pointed to for using the system
- Met with Andrei Salzberger last week (lead developer for ACTS)
- ACTS is now in use for production in ATLAS
- Released version 6 two days ago
- May be good time to finally update from version 1.2 EIC is currently using since production use at ATLAS may slow down API-breaking major version releases
- Need to reach out to Pukai (edge customer) again
- Some progress in getting scons build system working again with GlueX + JANA2
- JANA2 + ERSAP development is ready to start. ersap-jana project already on GitHub (Vardan)
- Responsibilities for I/O code now transferred to CLAS12 developers
- Data Transport
- Mike, Graham, and David Met with Yatish Kumar from ESNet to discuss FPGA data transport project
- Yatish indicated we would need an FPGA programmer on our end
- Meeting scheduled for this week with Chris Cuevas and some of his group to discuss the project
- INDRA-ASTRA project
- Current request/plan is to get SAMPA system setup so they can continue from where they left off when Eric P. initially set up project
- Vardan noted that the VTP setup may be more readily available and could be useful for their purposes.
- David will reach out to Markus to discuss it
- AI
- AIEC (Experimental Controls)
- Paperwork for the 2 new hires for the project has been submitted. Offers have not been extended/accepted yet
- Thomas has begun spending more time on the project. (He charges 10% of his time to it)
- Initial focus is on existing GlueX CDC calibration code
- Hydra paper
- First draft complete and primary authors have been notified
- JupyterHub
- Some issues with using a virtual environment
- Need access to log files to track down issue
- epsci-notebook works better, but not all tab completion features are working. It does use Jupyterlab-3.
- AiDAPT (Nobuo project)
- Kishan converted some notebooks to use more recent TF and Keras version
- Notebooks had used older version of TF before Keras was integrated
- Some review of the GlueX BCAL project to classify Neutronic vs. photonic showers
- Will need to study more and communicate with project owners again about next steps
- AIEC (Experimental Controls)