AIEC Weekly Meeting Sep. 23, 2021

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The meeting time is 4:00pm.

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122 747 574

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  1. AIEC Gain Factor Summary
  2. PI Exchange (see right)
    PI Exchange e-mail
  3. Good file list (Nikhil)
  4. PrimEx run plan (Naomi)
    • CPP projected start date: May 2, 2022
  5. Time-to-Distance (Diana)
  6. CLAS12 Data prep (Torri)
    • getting good run list from RGA data
    • making trees with "non standard" banks: TBHits, TBTracks
    • totally remade GitHub repo
  7. Deployment System/Shift Worker Interface
  8. Publication planning
      • Calibration parameter prediction
  9. AOT


Attendees: Naomi J., Torri J., Nikhil K., Thomas B., Kishan R., Mike G., David L.

  • Diana's Document on Gain Correction Factor
    • Not enough people read it. Assign as action item for next week
    • Diana identified a couple of more items to add
  • Why is 2018 data so bad?
    • Naomi thought about some possibilities
      • Beam trips were much worse
      • Diamond was worse (Alex A. reported strong dependence on orientation)
      • Beam tune (at one point better agreement between orientations noticed after high-quality beam tune)
    • How to address
      • Naomi suggested we focus on using the CDC HV board currents instead of external beam parameters.
      • Some concern over how much time to spend on reproducing GCF for 2018 data as it prevents us from moving towards the final goals of the project.
  • Good File List (Nikhil)
    • Nikhil was able to produce a list of runs for which the 001 file (the one used for calibrations) was "good" (i.e. no beam trips)
    • System scrapes data from CCDB utilities.
      • It was noted that there is a python API for CCDB. This was not pointed out to Nikhil earlier, but he now has a working system so we go with that.
      • Run the system over the 000 and 002 files from 2018 so we can identify if which runs have at least one "good" file amongst the first 3
  • PrimEx Run Plan
    • CDC is expected to be turned on about 9.5 days from now (n.b. that schedule has since changed)
    • Expect 16 shifts with beam on (4 days)
    • One of us will need to sit in as additional remote shifter to handle determining the HV setting and implementing it between runs
    • We will need to set up a schedule for which of us will be online
      • Thomas, Naomi, Torri, and David will likely be the ones implementing this.
      • We will set up internal training
  • Time to Distance Calibration
    • No progress last week
  • CLAS12 (Torri)
    • Trying to get a good run list. Not clear how to obtain this
    • Able to produce Trees now
    • Setup a GitHub page listing projects
      • Need to add everyone's Github account to it

Action Items

  1. Read the Gain Correction Factor Status Document (Everyone)
  2. Check for "good" runs in the first 3 files (0,1,2) of the 2018 data (Nikhil, Torri)
  3. Schedule for who from our group will be on shift to change HV settings
  4. Add everyone's Github account to the Github AIEC Projects page (Torri)