Discussion 10-21-24

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Speakers and participants, please review the guidance provided on the main page. This agenda page is editable by anyone that has a Jefferson Lab computing account. Feel free to log in and post comments, questions, or answers to questions in the section below.

Meeting Location

The 22 GeV Open Discussions will be held here:

  • Date/Time: Monday, October 21 at 12:30 PM Jefferson Lab Local Time
  • Physical Location: CEBAF Center F224/5
  • Virtual Location: Zoom Meeting Number 161 111 8017 (The password is the two-digit number that appears before "GeV" in the first sentence of this section.)


Comments and Questions

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Minutes/Notes (D.S. Carman)

Local participants at JLab: 7; Remote participants: 36

Goal – To improve our knowledge of the strong coupling constant αSS through a measurement program that will reduce the current uncertainties.

Presentation points:

  • αS is the most important quantity of QCD and is a key parameter of the Standard Model. However, it is by far the least known fundamental constant.
  • There are a number of ongoing efforts to reduce the uncertainties of αS, but there is no golden experiment to determine αS precisely. The current strategy has been to combine independent measurements with larger uncertainties. Currently the best experimental determinations are at the ΔαSS ~ 10-2 level.
  • There are good prospects of measuring αS with JLab@22 GeV using an approach based on the Bjorken sum rule (measuring the integral over x of Γ1p-n vs. Q2). In this approach there is no need for an absolute cross section measurement. Only the determination of the Q2 dependence is necessary with tight control over the point-to-point systematic uncertainties.
  • The best measurement is one that spans the broadest range of Q2 and x. The best prospect of extracting αS is to combine data from JLab@22 GeV with the EIC. In this case it is estimated that ΔαSS can be measured to the sub-percent level of 6.1x10-3. Using the projections from the EIC measurement alone gives ΔαSS ≳ 1.3%.
    • Such a combined JLab22 + EIC measurement can yield an uncertainty on αS smaller than all of the available world data combined.
    • Measurements in different regimes of Q can be complementary. At low Q, measurements are sensitive to higher-order loop corrections. However, at higher Q, the measurements are essentially independent of these higher-order corrections and can be used to determine the value of αS.

Questions/comments from discussion:

  • Q: The biggest reduction in uncertainty on αS seems to come from the combined JLab22+EIC data. What is the expected uncertainty from just the JLab22 measurement alone or from the JLab12+EIC measurement? Having this information available can help to better motivate the importance of the JLab22 program.
    • A: at the minimum Q2 of EIC, data from JLab12 measure only 45% of the Bjorken integral, and this quickly decreases at larger Q2. Hence, JLab12 would contribute only marginally to an αS determination and thus cannot notably improve ΔαSS. In contrast Jlab22 measures 90% of the integral, contributing dominantly.
  • Q: Need a comparison of the Q2 vs. x phase space for the different measurements to show overlap and differences.
    • A: This comment was made in connection with the question about the sophistication of the assessment that, with JLab22, one can reach ΔαSS ~0.6%. The assessment is not as precise as that of EIC, which was done with extensive simulations and considerations. (The result of this study is published: Kutz et al. PRD 110 (2024) 7, 074004). While the estimate for JLab22 is not as sophisticated, there is also less need for such sophistication. The crucial questions are:
      • i) What are the actual (i.e., kinematics+detector efficiency) low-x limits and Q2? coverage of JLab22?
      • ii) What are the statistics?
      • iii) What are the experimental systematics?

The answers to (ii) and (iii) are straightforward: the statistics are always plenty for the Bjorken integral because data are gathered concurrently with other reactions, e.g., (semi-) exclusive ones for GPDs or transversity, which are more statistics-hungry. The systematics are already well-known because the same types of experiments were done at 6 and 12 GeV. Answering accurately question (1) is not crucial because wherever the low-x coverage will stop, EIC data will pick it up. We only need to have a reasonable answer (will JLab22 be missing 10% at low-x, or 40%?), which is straightforward. The minimum Q2 reached is irrelevant because it will clearly be below 1 GeV2 and for DIS, we consider only data at Q2 >1 GeV2. What is precisely the higher Q2 limit is also not crucial because (1) EIC data will be available and (2) the sensitivity to αS is reduced at large Q2. Thus, a detailed Monte-Carlo simulation is not required at this stage. On the other hand, it was needed for EIC, where all the answers of the above questions were not as straightforward.

  • Q: Make sure tables of data show all available results not just the PDG results. It was mentioned that there is a new precision result from LHC/ATLAS.
    • A: Noted.