January XXth, 2018
Tentative agenda...
As far as you know, PAC46 will be held during the week of July 16, 2018.
The deadline for submission of proposals and updates is 8:00 a.m. EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) on Monday, June 4, 2018. https://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/PACpage/PAC46/PAC46.html
The deadline for the GlueX Collaboration submission is May 4, 2018.
Let us start our KLF bi-weekly (2nd and 4th week of the month) meetings. I made a doodle pool at https://doodle.com/poll/nn9shmbxx92mvut9
1) The expectation is to get a CPS conceptual design for Hall C by the end of January and start to implement it to Hall D. 2) We started MC for neutron and gamma yields from Be-target (Eugene Chudakov approved a conceptual design).
3) Edinburgh team is doing MC for the KL-neutron scattering (KL+n-->K+Sigma-) using input from Maxim Mai 4) Edinburgh team will do MC for the Omega- production off the proton ? 5) Edinburgh team will present a conceptual design of the facility to measure KL flux in mid of January (MS student project) 6) PWA with quasi data will start in January using help of Cesar Ramires