KLF beamline meeting - February 13, 2025

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  • Announcements
  • News from engineering (Tim, Josh)
  • KL-rates from SLAC data (Hovanes)
  • Any other business


Present: Vitaly, Tim, Hovanes, Chris, Tim, Josh, Mikhail, Pavel, Marshall, Eugene, Stuart, Richard, Edy, Igor, Sashi

  • Pavel has the input file generated from the engineering design for the shielding to check the radiation levels.
  • Magnet is expected to arrive in about one month.
  • CPS magnet mapping is expected sometime this summer.
  • There was a meeting with engineers and designers to convey the basic parameters for the KPT design.
  • Chris, James Brock, Stephanie and Tim verified that the models for the target assembly that target group has matches what Hall D has.
  • Mikhail sent the general layout of KFM to Tim.

  • Richard upgraded his GEANT4 simulation to allow multiple photon production. He now can get correct energy spectrum for thick radiators.
  • He is doing the simulations for 20% radiator and 15 cm tungsten plug and looked at the particle counts in the detector. The jobs are still running.
  • With his model of Phi-photo-production , Richard sees about 2000 Hz of kaons at the target.
  • Richard pointed out that there is noticeable improvement in muon counts in the detector after implementing 2.4mx2.4m shielding wall.
  • There was a discussion about the reason why Richard should simulate 15cm tungsten block.
  • Richard will present the results during at the meetings in the near future.

  • Eugene reported that he confirmed that phi meson photo-production on nucleus is expected to have a sharp peak in the forward direction (forward for phi). This is not necessarily true for other channel of K-Long productions.

  • The next meeting will be on February 27th.