KLF beamline meeting - January 30, 2025

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  • FLUKA simulations (Pavel)
  • Any other business


Present: Pavel, Edy, Tim, Hovanes, Mikhail, Vitaly, Igor, Kenta, Eugene, Marshall, Richard, Moskov, Sean, Sashi, Marshall

  • Edy said that the accelerator folks are planning two beam tests for KLF for which a document has been drafted. The document specifies the goals, procedures and needed resources for the tests. The first test is expected to be in late February to study the bleed-through levels expected in Hall D during KLF. The first test involves the injector and will be done before the main spring run starts. The second test is expected to be sometime around July 30th, and will study the beam-loading effects of KLF bunches on other halls. The second beam test will be invasive to all halls and therefore will prevent other experiments from running during this test. Therefore, the second test will need to be coordinated within Hall D and the physics division. The document had already been sent to Doug and Eduard, according to Hovanes.
  • For both beam tests, the GlueX laser will need to be removed and KLF laser installed. After the tests, GlueX laser will need to be re-installed.
  • Hovanes did not think KLF will be able to have a bleed-through specification document ready by the February test. So the bleed-through test will estimate the level of bleed-through that is expected without major investments.

  • Pavel simulated SLAC 10GeV, 16GeV, and 19 GeV data with FLUKA. The data are available on Hall D work disk at /work/halld/KLF/pavel/KLCPS/source_terms/ . Pavel will not have time to do detail comparisons of all the data points and dependencies. He is looking for volunteers.
  • In some kinematic regions the agreement between FLUKA and SLAC data is very good, but there are points where there is a factor of x2 difference.
  • Josh was able to automatically convert CAD files for CPS shielding into FLUKA input file fragments which Pavel successfully imported. This makes Pavel work a lot easier. The absorber in the CPS model is modeled manually in FLUKA as it has too complex geometry.
  • Eugene suggested to simulate photoprodcution on K0 on a thin target with FLUKA as there is experimental data for Eγ=20 GeV.
  • Moskov said that ODU plans to study phi-photoproduction with GlueX in KLKS decay channel. Sean said that FSU graduate student Gabriel analyzed that channel with the photon energy in the coherent peak range, and has his thesis based on this analysis.
  • Mikhail would like to have the KL spectra (and other particles) for KLF from FLUKA so that we can implement them in the event generators. He will be in contact with Pavel.
  • Mikhail pointed out that it is very important to implement the kaon spectra from the existing models into the event simulations to see the the physics results from these distributions rather than worry about the spectra by themselves.

  • Richard asked if it would be useful to look at inclusive KS photo-production cross sections from RadPhi experiment using two-pion channel for kaon decays. Mikhail thought that it would be very "interesting".
  • Richard went through all of his parameters in GEANT4 model for KLF beam line trying to match the most recent FLUKA model by Pavel.
  • Pavel added that it would be good to implement a fat beam-pipe inside the wide beam pipe after the target refrigerator to improve the counting rates of the start counter. This will need to be coordinated with the target group.

  • The next meeting will be on February 6th.