KLF beamline meeting - March 13, 2025
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- Announcements
- FLUKA simulations (Pavel)
- Any other business
Present: Vitaly, Igor, Moskov, Hovanes, Beni, Pavel, Tim, Stuart, Marshall, Edy, Mikhail, Eugene, Sashi, Richard
- Pavel had a problem withe saving his PowerPoint Presentation, so he was not able to share it on the screen or send us the copy of the talk.
- Pavel studied possibility of splitting tungsten plug into two parts, where the first part was inside the KPT assembly (11cm W) and the second half (6cm lead) was just after the KPT assembly before the vacuum pipe begins.
- Having part of the plug outside of the KPT did not create noticeable background, according to Pavel. Mikhail was surprised that neutron dose rate did not increase. Pavel's explanation was that neutron dose rate was not a major part of the total rate.
- Simulating kaon rate with just 11cm of tungsten plug with FLUKA results in ~8.7KHz of kaons at the target.
- There was a long discussion about the total rate of kaon at the target and discrepancies between different calculations as Moskov wanted more clarity on the expected kaon rates.
- Hovanes asked Mikhail about the type of output from KFM tracker to be able to pick the right set of readout electronics (TDCs).
- Mikhail and Tim thought that we might not be able to easily use the on-board electronics on the tracker since it is not "certified". Mikhail's opinion was that the safest option is to remove all the electronics (pre-amps and discriminating board) from the tracker use ADC-s to read the raw signals.
- Eugene questioned the certification requirement for preamps on particle detectors, but this will need to clarified.
- Hovanes, Eugene, Sergey and Cody will meet on Friday to discuss the options for KFM readout electronics.
- Igor will meet Kenta in a couple of weeks to discuss Start Counter design and construction. Apparently, Kenta is in process of changing home institutions.
- Richard is working on optimizing the downstream beamline for the baseline configurations using GEANT4 to find the optimal size of the big lead shielding wall and the optimal thickness of the walls of the "fat beam pipes". He also is looking for a ways to significantly boost the kaon rate on the hydrogen target. He will present his findings on the next meeting.
- Next meeting will be on March 20th