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  • Proposal C2-12-20-0xx []

  • Supplemental materials for the PAC48 sumission (main files):

- Cover_Letter draft v2.

- Final version of New_Equipment.

  • Supplemental materials for the PAC48 sumission (additional files):

- Final version of KLF_Analysis_ Report (hyperon case). There is ref in the proposal.

- KLF_Analysis_ Report (meson case) is coming.

- Final version of the Raster document. There is ref in the proposal.

- Final version of the CPS document. There is ref in the proposal [D. Day, P. Degtiarenko, S. Dobbs, R. Ent, D. Hamilton, T. Horn, D. Keller, C. Keppel, G. Niculescu, P. Reid, I. Strakovsky, B. Wojtsekhowski, and J. Zhang [CPS Collaboration], A Conceptual Design Study of a Compact Photon Source (CPS) for Jefferson Lab, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 957 (2020), 163429].

- Final version of the KPT document. There is ref in the proposal [I. Strakovsky, M. Amaryan, M. Bashkanov, W. J. Briscoe, E. Chudakov, P. Degtyarenko, S. Dobbs, A. Laptev, I. Larin, A. Somov, and T. Whitlatch, Conceptual Design of Beryllium Target for the KLF Project,[arXiv:2002.04442 [physics.ins-det]].

- Final version of the KFM document. There is ref in the proposal. It is available on the GlueX DB as GlueX-doc-3603.

  • Moskov Amaryan's talk on PAC48 [].