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Remaining tasks for LCLS-II Cryomodule testing
== Remaining tasks for LCLS-II Cryomodule testing ==
Kevin Jordan 7/26/2018
Kevin Jordan 7/26/2018
System Task Group Responsible Notes
System Task Group Responsible Notes

Revision as of 11:37, 31 July 2018


Remaining tasks for LCLS-II Cryomodule testing

Kevin Jordan 7/26/2018 System Task Group Responsible Notes Installation / Pipe fitting / Welding PRIOR to testing Transferline Confirm/Prep both transferline sections have proper weld prep Cryo Locate and affix to floor short piece Installation Locate and affix to floor "L" piece Installation Position/align both sections with ruler and level bar Cryo Cut, prep, & weld field fit joints per weld spec - w/M. Martin advice Cryo Leak check innner connections prior to SI wrap Cryo/SRF? Cut/prep & weld clam shells Cryo

Warm Helium Piping Prep, mount, and weld sections of warm piping per spec & drawings Cryo Much of this is to be done after the cryo-can is located & grouted

Cryo-Can Remove/install equipment that is too tall for cable tray/waveguide Gubeli Ensure that it can be moved into place w/o hight restrictions like relief stack Confirm/Prep the weld joints have proper weld prep Cryo Locate Cryo-can per surveyed drill locations Installation Confirm alignment to field fit transferline Survey/Gubeli Drill, mount/level can, grout base plate Installation Cut to fit, weld & leak check inner Helium piping Cryo Wrap SI insulation Cryo/SRF Cut to fit & weld outer clam shells Cryo

Clean Room Assembly Unpack & assemble Electricians This can be done once the cryo-Can has been moved into place Install AC power and lights Electricians

Work to move, locate, and join 2 cryomodules prior to testing


Bolt on wheels SRF Installation crew can assist if required Arrange for crane at LERF to Lower/Raise CMs Installation Move to/from Test Lab SRF Wheel in/out LERF SFR/Installation Locate/position CMs SFR/Survey This will likely be done wioth plumb bobs

Cleanroom beam tube connection Prepare & execute center beam tube connections in cleam room per procedures SRF/Vac This is the effort to join two modules together Insulate SRF

Cryo-Can & Center Bellows * these details are TBD * Affix the bellows to cart Installation (?) The cryo-can bellows may arrive on the end of the CM - TBD Position cryo-can bellows SRF The cart enables ease of installation in the joining region Secure cryo-can bellows SRF Position center bellows These connect the vacuum space of the two CMs together Secure center bellows

Cooldown Follow Mike Drury's proceedures