12/06/2019 Collaboration meeting

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Tuesday, December 6, 2019 - CEBAF Center, Conference Room F324-325

Tentative Agenda

Friday Meeting

  • 08:30 Agenda discussion - .All (10 min)
  • 08:40 PRad updates and tasks - .Ashot (15 min)
  • 08:55 PRad current status, new analysis results from the UVa group - .Xinzhan (30 min)[1]
  • 09:25 Discussion of new results - .All (10 min)
  • 09:35 Tasks for "possible new PRad2 proposal": - .Ashot (10 min)
  • 09:45 a) improving the total uncertainty by a factor of 2; - .Weizhi (30 min) [2]
  • 10:15 b) possibilities for "more lower Q2 range". - .Weizhi/All (20 min)
  • 10:35 Coffee Break, Collaboration Photo
  • 11:00 updating the DRad proposal for resubmission:
  • 11:00 a) lowering the uncertainties; - .Jingyi (30 min)[3]
  • 11:30 b) possibly going to the lower Q2 range, discussions; - .All (15 min)
  • 11:45 c) new fitters for DRad; - .Vladimir (25 min)[4]
  • 12:10 Lunch Break
  • 13:10 c) possible hardware optimization of the recoil detector; - .Dipangkar (15 min)
  • 13:25 Plans for the TUNL Calibrations (DRad). - .Dipangkar, Yuri Gorta is invited (45 min)[5]
  • 14:10 Options for the experimental setup upgrades: - .Ashot (20 min)
  • 14:30 Options for the DAQ and electronics upgrades: - .Eugene (25 min)
  • 14:55 New developments in Radiative Corrections for PRad2 and DRad. - .Vladimir (30 min) [6]
  • 15:25 Coffee Break, discussions, 15 min
  • 15:40 possible new technologies to be used in PRad2 and DRad. - .Kondo (30 min)
  • 16:10 new possible physics ideas: - . (0 min)
  • 16:10 a) G_M measurement at low Q2 with our method; - .Nilanga (30 min)
  • 16:40 b) other proposals to be included as a "run-group". - .Ashot/Others (30 min)
  • 17:10 Adjourn for Friday
  • 18:00 Celebration of the PRad publication: - .All (2 hours)

Saturday Morning Meeting (starts at 9:00)

  • 09:00 Proposal(s) for the PAC48, Discussions: - .All (45 min)
  • 09:45 Other open questions: - . (15 min)
  • 10:00 Collaboration business meeting: - . (Board members, 60 min)
  • 11:00 End of the Meeting