Tentative List
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Scientific Program
- JPos17 scientific program template media:JPos_v4.xlsx
- a) long talk (35+5) introductory plenary session, one talk for each of the following:
- Two photon exchange
- Beyond Standard Model
- Dark Matter search
- Low energy applications
- High energy positron beams
- Low energy positron sources
- b) short talk (25+5) general plenary session, 3-4 talks for each of the sub-topics:
- Interference Physics
- Charged Current Physics
- Test of the Standard Model
- Positron Applications
- Positron Source and Beam Physics
- c) parallel discussion (two 2-hr sessions), session organizers should identify program e.g.:
- Specific or technical talks more appropriate for individual sub-topics
- Opportunity for round-table discussion and consensus
- d) poster session (90 min w/ coffee break), 3-4 poster are requested for each of the sub-topics:
- Interference Physics
- Charged Current Physics
- Test of the Standard Model
- Positron Applications
- Positron Source and Beam Physics
- (OLD) One possible program concept media:170327_programconcept.JPG
Introductory Talks
- Organizer welcome and charge
- Lab or scientific director welcome
- H. Moutarde - Specific constraints using positrons and electrons for DVCS
- K. Kumericki (K. Passek-Kumericki) / H. Moutarde - DVCS asymmetries
- M. Vanderhaeghen / P. Blunden / A. Afanasev - Two photon exchange
- Mikhail Yurov - Super-Rosenbluth measurements from 6 GeV and positron beam physics.
- [MIT Speaker] - Other TPE measurements possible with positron beams at JLab.
- [several options] - e+/e- comparisons (planned and completed)
- [several options] - TBE contributions to parity measurements
- M. Vanderhaeghen / M. Guidal / F. Sabatié - DVCS on the nucleon
- K. Hafidi / R. Dupré / M. Paolone - DVCS on nuclei (connection with QED' Coulomb corrections)
- C. Riedl - DVCS@HERMES with electrons and positrons
- A. Ferrero - DVCS with charge/spin asymmetries at COMPASS
- J. Wagner - Inclusion of heavy quark flavors in DVCS and evaluation of impact in the context of an EIC
- H. Spiesberger (F. Ringer) - electroweak DIS (charged currents, neutral currents) for access to unpolarised and polarised PDFs
- M. Vanderhaeghen / D. Kharzeev / S. Brodsky / J.P. Lansberg - Heavy quark production (theory)
- E. Chudakov / S. Joosten / M. Paolone - Heavy quark production (experiment)
Physics beyond the Standard Model
- "Right-handed W-boson exchange (CC DIS)" (Alex Tapper ?)
- "Electroweak couplings/PVDIS (NC DIS)"(Krishna Kumar ( PVDIS community ), Xiaochao Zheng)
- "Leptoquark, SUSY, excited leptons, double charged Higgs" ( TBA)
- "Heavy photon search with positrons at JLAB" (Luca Marsicano)
- "Heavy photon search with positrons at LNF" (Mauro Raggi)
- "Heavy photon search with positrons at Cornell" (Jim Alexander, Maxim Perelstein)
- "Heavy photon search with positrons at Novosibirsk" (Igor Racheck)
- "Dark forces searches with positrons " (Bogdan Wojtsekhowski)
- "Dark forces searches at colliders " (Bertrand Echenard)
Electroweak structure of hadrons
- "Structure functions with e+ and e- DIS at HERA" (Amanda Cooper-Sarkar/Voica Radescu)
- "What can we learn about PDFs from future e+/e- DIS?" (Sven Moch)
- "Probing strangeness via charm production in CC DIS" (Matthew Wing/Olaf Behnke)
- "Charm production in diffractive CC DIS" ?? (Christophe Royon)
- "Pion and kaon structure from tagged DIS" (Tanja Horn)
- "Flavor dependence of nuclear structure functions" (Nestor Armrest)
- "Spin structure (SIDIS?) with positron beams" (Alessandro Bacchetta/Werner Vogelsang/Marc Schlegel/Piet Mulders)
- "Detector requirements for CC physics" (Jose Repond)
- "LHC ??? (What can e+/e- do for Higgs?) "
- "Positrons at LHeC " ???
Low Energy Positrons
Farida's List
- Christoph Hugenschmidt, Technical University of Munich, He developed the most intense positron beam in the world.
- Atsuo Kawasuso, JAEA Takasaki Institute, Applications for polarized positrons
- Andreas Wagner, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Accelerator based positron beams
- Alex Weiss, University of Texas Arlington, Low energy positrons
- David Gidley, University of Michigan, Professor Emeritus, He was the first to initiate polarized positrons technique for magnetism study.
- Toshio Kyodo, KEK in Japan, Positron diffraction
- Yasuyuki Nagashima, University of Tokyo, Development and applications of positron
Branislav's suggestions...
- Northeastern University: Arun Bansil ar.bansil@neu.edu and
- Bernardo Barbiellini B.Amidei@neu.edu
- University of Missouri-Kansas, City Jerry Jean, jeany@umkc.edu
- University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, David Gidley gidley@umich.edu
- University of California at San Diego, Cliff Surko csurko@physics.ucsd.edu
- Wayne State University, Talbert Stein stein@physics.wayne.edu
- University of Texas at Arlington, Alexander H. Weiss weiss@uta.edu
- First Point Scientific Inc, Roderick Greaves of greaves@firstpsi.com
- Washington State University, Kelvin Lynn kgl@wsu.edu
- University of California at Riverside, Allen Mills allen.mills@ucr.edu
- North Carolina State University, Ayman Hawari ayman.hawari@ncsu.edu
- University College London, Gaetana Laricchia g.laricchia@ucl.ac.uk
- CEA/SACLAY, Patrice Perez patrice.perez@cea.fr
Source & Accelerator
JLEIC/EIC specific
- JLab’s compact positron source proposal F. Lin/ V. Morozov
- Polarized electron injection/accumulation scheme F. Lin/ V. Morozov
- Polarized electron accumulator ring design E. Nissen/ V. Morozov
- Injection/extraction kicker requirements and design J. Guo/ H. Wang
- Polarized positrons in JLEIC Y. Zhang/ V. Morozov
Polarized Positron Source/Beam
- Polarized electron gun R. Suleiman/ J. Grames
- Polarized Electrons for Polarized Positrons (PEPPo) E. Voutier/ J. Grames
- Polarized positrons in CEBAF Y. Roblin/ A. Freyberger
General Positron Source Considerations
- Overview of existing positron production schemes J. Grames/ V. Morozov
- Positron production target design Niowave/ J. Grames
- Positron collection system design V. Morozov/ F. Lin