Data Analysis - Analysis task list
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General guidance
- Don't wait for meetings - reach out for help if stuck
- Use the elog:
Initial post-run tasks
- Finish Casey's thesis (Casey) (DONE)
- Wrestle snake of Nadia's choice(PENDING)
- Clone online replay - create pass 1 repository --> all updates should go into this repository (COMPLETE)
- Verify standard.kinematics for HMS and SHMS
- Check for target mass, duplicates, missing runs, correct energy (Casey) (COMPLETE)
- Check angle pictures in CODA file (Penny and Nadia) (COMPLETE)
- Angle pictures have been created and added to /mss/ (COMPLETE)
- Correct angle values have been updated in standard.kinematics (Abhyuday) (COMPLETE)
- Verify magnet settings (Burcu) (HMS COMPLETE) (SHMS COMPLETE)
- Check run lists against standard.kinematics and run sheets (Nadia - SHMS, Abhyuday - HMS) (HMS done, SHMS ongoing)
- Small replay update
- Set angle and momentum offsets to zero (Dave G) (COMPLETE) - already zero when I looked
- Add/verify that momenta and angles used in the analysis are written to report files (including any offsets) (Cameron) (COMPLETE)
- Add pointing offsets used in hcana to report files (they're hard-wired!). (Casey) (COMPLETE)
- Add more stuff to epics tree (helium target temperatures and pressures) (Dave G - def files) (COMPLETE): Note: target position only valid for runs starting from first helium running
- Add target encoder to T and scaler tree (Dave G) (COMPLETE) Not easy to add to scaler tree (needs new code?). Added to T tree, but only valid after switch to He targets
- Verify correct BPM calibration in replay (Dave G) (COMPLETE)
- Use high-momentum HMS matrix element files where appropriate (Shujie) (PENDING) Useful optics info
- Check fast raster calibrations have right sign (Tyler) (COMPLETE (it didn't))
- Fix rootlogon.C to point to correct directory (Cameron) (COMPLETE)
- Fix hms_shared.h bug that causes bcm's to not be loaded correctly (Cameron) (COMPLETE)
Tasks for pass1
- Calibrations
- Beam energy (Dave G) (PENDING)
- BCM calibrations (Zoe) (COMPLETE)
- Reference time cuts (Abhyuday - HMS, Ramon - SHMS) (HMS COMPLETE, SHMS COMPLETE)
- Check high and low rate settings spread over run period to view cut with and without large background. Cut files set per trigger (3/4, ELREAL, ELCLEAN).
- Timing window cuts - divide by detector
- HMS CAL (Abhyuday) (COMPLETE)
- Cherenkov calibrations (Sebastian & Cameron - HMS, Ryan - SHMS (NGCER)) (HMS COMPLETE)(SHMS PENDING)
- One calibration used for all runs (apart from HV change). Check consistency by looking at calibration results for several runs over run period.
- Run ranges need to be checked to compare when HV was changed for NGCER.
- Calorimeter calibrations (Abhyuday - HMS, SHMS - Ramon) (HMS COMPLETE, SHMS PENDING)
- SHMS/HMS - look at de-focused runs?
- Hodoscopes - (Cameron - HMS, SHMS - Zoe, Burcu will help!) (HMS COMPLETE)(SHMS PENDING)
- Drift Chamber - (Cameron - HMS, SHMS - Zoe, Burcu will help!) (HMS COMPLETE)(SHMS PENDING)
- After calibrations, perform surveys for 1st replay (number PE, calorimeter resolution, track residuals) (PENDING)
- Run the analysis/production on the farm
- HMS: Cameron/Tyler (PENDING)
Longer term tasks (towards cross sections/ratios)
- Target issues
- Determine 3He and 4He density run-by-run from temperature and pressure
- Compare density to time dependence of SHMS yield
- Determine correction for 6Li/7Li by comparing to time dependence of SHMS
- Determine 3He and 4He density run-by-run from temperature and pressure
- HMS/SHMS acceptance checks
- Elastics
- HMS-SHMS comparisons
- Check ytar acceptance with dummy + carbon
- Determine kinematic offsets, resolution
- Offsets from single arm elastic (HMS COMPLETE CWC, AS check)
- offsets from coincidence elastic
- Elastic peak width (p-p_elas(theta)) (IN PROGRESS)
- Target boiling analysis
- Scalers
- Ytar dependence
- Impact of ytar dependence on cross sections/ratios
- Backgrounds
- Pion backgrounds (HMS COMPLETE CWC)
- Charge symmetric backgrounds (HMS COMPLETE CWC)
- Efficiencies
- Determine/check efficiencies for all PID detectors
- Trigger efficiency (include 3/4 efficiency)
- EDTM - parameterize electronic dead time using EDTM + Computer dead time? Use EDTM run-by-run? (IN PROGRESS)
- General quality control (after efficiencies are in good place)
- Yield vs run (for kinematics with many runs)
- Visual inspection of handful of key quality control graphs
- Data MC comparisons
- Generate normalized yields with all corrections
- Generate MC yields using mc_single_arm + radiated cross section model
- Generate RC tables using externals_all
- Compare data/MC - iterate model as needed
- Use multiple models to check systematic uncertainty
- Check sensitivity to naive isoscalar correction in N/Z studies of EMC effect (use different parametrizations)