GettingStarted Software

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Hall C Software for NPS

The Hall C analyzer is used along with the NPSlib, SIMC, and ROOT. We recently upgraded to AlmaLinux9 and use modulefiles to set up our configurations.

Hall C Commands for NPS

Accessing RAW data files and PASS# data files

This section lists some commands that interface with the mass storage system. Refer to the file system layout for a better idea of where large data files are stored. Jasmine is the system that interfaces with the MSS.

Jasmine MSS utility information page
Save local copy of MSS file to /cache/ jcache
Put a file into MSS with our group permissions jput
Get a file in MSS and put the local copy at a specified location (not cache) jget

These commands can be issued on any farm node. They cannot be ran from most computers like chislobog, jlabl* or vmware. jcache is the most commonly used command used.

Sourcing our Software


Analysis relies on CERN ROOT and HCANA as well as the NPSlib library. In order to maintain the newest version and work using the same software, the software environment is managed by modulefiles. The software modules are saved at:

  • /group/nps/modulefiles/
  • /group/nps/appps
  • We are currently have the nps_replay loaded by date, but this will change.

Sourcing Instructions

To be fixed: Users have access to the common users environment, and our /group/ location.

  • For join the xem2 group on JLab computers talk to Dave.

In order to source the files, simply type source /group/c-xem2/software/ or source /group/c-xem2/software/setup.csh (depending on your shell).

You should add the sourcing of the setup script to your .cshrc or .bashrc file (depending on your shell).

Check Everything is Working

  • Type python --version, and it should return the correct version
    • Make sure you can load ROOT in python (import ROOT as R)
  • Open root-config --version and check the version number
  • Make sure the hadd utility works
  • Make sure hcana can be run from any directory. For more information on the replay and hcana, go to the REPLAY page.
    • Don't run source script in a directory that has a setup.csh script (home should be ok)