Kerr - August 5, 2016

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Use this to interpret Excel descriptions.

1. NEAR Trials with Steel only

The following 'a.' and 'b.' describes measurements done with;

  • STEEL puck only, {with the exception of a mirror null}
  • Angle between laser and photodiode 38.6 -+2.4 degrees
  • The Setup was "NEAR" The solenoid
  • Center of Optics Stage {between Laser and Photodiode} 58 -+ 1 cm from puck

a. -->->->media:NearSetup.xlsx

Then Puck stability was investigated

b. -->->-> media:Puckchanges.xlsx

2. FAR trials with STEEL and Moly

The following file describes measurements done with;

  • STEEL and MOLY and a Mirror
  • Angle between laser and photodiode 5.31 -+0.45 degrees
  • The Setup was "FAR" from The solenoid
  • Photodiode 140 cm -+ 2 cm from puck

-->->-> media:Farsetup.xlsx

IMPORTANT NOTE: when observing data sheets, Vdc (ave) (typically column C) is in Volts... Whereas V1f and V2f, (Columns G and K) are in miliVolts.

To Convert Current to Magnetic Field use MMF data --->>>media:Currenttomagneticfieldmeasurements.xlsx

If beam is off center, use the x-trans data to create a new linear relation with same slope, but different y intercept.

3. Final Report and Poster

Report --> Media:HardyFinalReport.docx

Poster --> media:HardyFinalPoster.pptx